your hottest ex ... pics

Yowzah! Here's me in the middle smoking looking very gay, but my hot ex is next to me so it's okay.


The chick, morons. :Smug: :loco:
custom tacos?

i like the asian lady ... never had an asian myself. I hear they are ... :D
That was the old Toyota Tacoma site I used to frequent, when I had one.

And yes, they are. :loco:
Nah, a few hours later when the parking lot was full of thousands of people maybe. :Spin:

(it's the local racetrack by the way)
I've dated one girl in my life and I'm still with her so <emo> I've never had an ex, so now I feel left out and am going to go cry. Look what you've done!!!!!!!</emo>

P.S. I also have aids and will kill myself soon due to my hatred of the clearly inferior human race.
you have AIDS? you should go to Africa and take it out on the monkey rapists who contracted it in the first place. (no, seriously¹, this is how AIDS began, and two: nevermind, they're probably dead already.)

¹ Warning: Nicodemix does not completely understand the subject he speaks of, but asserts himself as an expert anyway :loco:
No no no, wrong wrong wrong. AIDS began as a curse from God to kill off all the faggotz in the world so that the sanctity of marriage may be upheld.
I'd post pics of mine but don't have permission.

I still have the pics saved on my comp and look at them once in a while. Makes me regret lots, but whatever we're still friends. Someday I'll do better and marry a millionaire... or at least a famous death metal guy. :D

@the Asian comment: I'm Asian (Chinese to be exact, but don't look it 100% :smug: ) and don't understand why guys are so into Asian females.