Your opinion on the Profire 610?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
Investing in one of these when my uni bursary comes through and ditching my mixer and interface (both behringer). What's it like? Is it worth the money? Or is it a wiser idea to spend a bit more for the profire 2626?
I wont be doing anything big with it (probably about 2 guitars at the same time at most) just for home use so i dont need a crazy amount of inputs, would just like an experienced view on the product :)

NOTE: Please dont refer me to the interface FAQ, im asking about a specific product
I'm pretty sure I remember someone compared the specs of the two and the 610 came off a bit worse than the 2626. Lower quality pre's and converters, and the max output of the line outs is quite a bit lower, so not great for reamping.

I don't think the 2626 is all that much more money really, so I would get that instead.
does the 2626 have exactly the same features as the 610 and more? or just better converters and pre's? And also its like an extra £150 :p don't know if i want to shell out that much or not :S
ohh and also forgot to mention i have a redeye so would be using that for reamping so still recommend the 2626? and one last thing , is it recommended to just ditch the redeye and buy the 2626 for reamping/Di ing?

Im really torn now :(
so basically the REAL question is
profire 610 and little labs redeye
just the profire 2626
had one, sold it to get a fireface 400 and never ever looked back. 610 feels like a toy in comparison really....
i've heard good things about the 2626 though, seems to be a much more "complete" interface than the 610.
pre's were alright, hiZ in were actually pretty good, but the low output (reamping etc) killed it for me. rme conversion is also waaay superior, but that's another story. i'm just saying that if you're thinking about the 2626, shell out another 100$ or something and get a used ff400, unless you NEED 8 pre's at a moderate cost (which doesn't seem to be the case since you're asking about the 610)
I'm VERY skeptical about claims that the 610 is inferior in quality to the 2626; AFAIK, they are the same series, with the same components, and the same chipsets. The differences being in features (I/O and such things)

But the core components are exactly the same I would think.
well, if that's the case then i wouldn't consider the profire line at all :D
there are more positive reviews and experience from 2626 owners than 610 ones, though. and having owned a 610, i say that it's a toy.
well the thing is I dont neeed 26 inputs as it's only for home use that's why the 610 looks more appealing
the overall plan was that with my money (£500)
i'd get
Profire 610 £229
rode nt1a £127
Se reflexion fileter £194

and thats still going £50 over budget :(
well the thing is I dont neeed 26 inputs as it's only for home use that's why the 610 looks more appealing
the overall plan was that with my money (£500)
i'd get
Profire 610 £229
rode nt1a £127
Se reflexion fileter £194

and thats still going £50 over budget :(

Honestly dude... I reckon the 610 is gonna be pretty good. I have the 2626 and it is an amazing device. It probably just falls shy of RME quality... but we're really splitting hairs at that point. And for the price difference... I'd always go 2626 over RME at the moment - since it means I can spend the money on other stuff.

Are you sure you need to go that apeshit with the microphone though? I reckon you could save the £50 you're spending extra on that.. just get an SM57 and learn how to use it properly!!
well I've got the 57 this is just for vocals because we have one in the studio in uni and was pretty damn impressed (but then again thats also a fully treated room with a real vocal booth) so i suppose that's a factor. I'm still probabably gonna go for the profire 610 because i don't think i really need the 2626. it's like giving a bike to a paraplegic
"Honestly dude... I reckon the 610 is gonna be pretty good. I have the 2626 and it is an amazing device. It probably just falls shy of RME quality... but we're really splitting hairs at that point. And for the price difference... I'd always go 2626 over RME at the moment - since it means I can spend the money on other stuff."
as i said, used fireface is only 100€ more than the 2626, and having owned both, i can say from first hand experience that the rme is a MUCH better interface. well worth the extra cash.

actually i was in the same boat, it was either fireface or profire for me, but due to the price difference i went for the profire. a few days later a friend of mine sold his fireface and let me demo it. i returned the profire on the same day. the difference was HUGE, and well worth the extra money.

now, if you're just looking at a low-priced interface that lets you record a few tracks at a reasonable quality, the profire will be a good choice. if you're looking for an interface that will last you a long time, has rock solid drivers, and will take anything you throw at it (8ch adat pre for example, the 610 only has spdif i/o), i really recommend the ff.
hmmm i dunno , i've gone from 250 for the profire 610 to nearly £700 for the fireface is seems abit over the top, If anything Id go for the happy medium of the 2626 and still have a tiny bit of money left over