Your opinions of S-X's ST album.


Master of War
I was just wondoring, what does everyone else think of it? I know alot of people don't like it, and i didn't, until last night, when i actually listened to it, i realy like it now. It's not as good as the other S-X stuff, but i don't see it as being S-X, not without Russ. The mood on the album is good, especially for when you're feeling down. I don't know what it is about the album that i like so much, maybe the way it sounds depressing, yet nice, and soothing, or the earie effect it has. It's a wierd album, but overall, i still like it, even without Russ. What does everyone else think of it?
The vocalist is no Russel Allen, but he's decent enough when compared to the rest of the metal vocalists out there. I think the cd is very good, maybe a bit more "neoclassical" than some of the later albums. I agree that it is a better album than TDG. think everyone likes to automatically discount the album, since it has a different vocalist, but it's pretty good IMO
It was their first CD, cut them some slack... though I disagree that it was better than Damnation Game.

PS: I love your avatar, wdiv. Pai Mei rules.
I think the ST is as good as any S-X cd. I hate to sound like a fanboy, but I do not dislike any of SX's material. Even Rod Tyler is ok with me.

My favorite song off that album is "A Lesson Before Dying," I really like how all the voices come together and do the "Aaaaah's" lol. I also enjoy the little solo/interlude with the drums and guitar going at it. "Taunting The Notorious" has a nice drum solo at the end of the song and some blazing soloing. You can't forget "Absinthe And Rue," with it's beautiful bass and guitar interlude.

there's so much good I can say about the ST cd, but overall it's a great cd and stacks up with the rest of the albums for me.
in my personal opinion, rod tyler sometimes sounds like a boy...i don't know why i think that...just do. heh. i do like his lyrics though. russ allen
I think the songs had the potential to be a lot better than they sound on that album. If it was remade, it would be an absolute neoclassical masterpiece. Just listen to how much better Masquerade sounded after a remake! The songs are killer - Russ and better recording quality could bring out some amazing stuff with this album.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I think the songs had the potential to be a lot better than they sound on that album. If it was remade, it would be an absolute neoclassical masterpiece. Just listen to how much better Masquerade sounded after a remake! The songs are killer - Russ and better recording quality could bring out some amazing stuff with this album.

I agree, I hope for a remaster and/or re-recording with Russ! lol
Mike Romeo considers it a "demo". So if it truly was meant to be a demo, then IMO it's a damn good demo. The songs are good. but I am one who is bothered by Rod's thin vocals, so it's not an easy listen for me.
In the interviews on the special editions of that, Romeo said that they definately will redo some of it, but doing all of it would be a little bit of overkill. He said it would take a lot of time to redo the vocal melodies for russ, and also change stuff that he didn't like.
I haven't listened to the cd more than once, but what I have heard feels like the band was just sort of trying things out or finding their sound. I think I could get used to Rod though after a couple listens.
well rod's voice is definatly better then labrae (imo, sorry DT guys :D ) but im not really into his singing either, but that albums got some serious chops (as with every symx album) i would rank it my 4th fav out of all of em

2 Odyssey
4 ST
6 V

but then again i love all of there albums a hell of a lot, I usually spin each album once a day! (as well as the complete CoB catalogue)

I like ther first one very much. Perhaps because I also like Queen and it permanently reminds me of Queen? After TiO and Dwot it'ys my third fav. album of SyX
I totally agree that this album is wonderful. Like it was stated before, it's nice and depressing overall and good to listen to when you're down. Also love singing along to it.

And seeing as this has turned into a ST vs. DG topic... The Damnation is a few amazing songs with a few decent songs. The Edge of Forever is definitely one of their best songs, along with Winters Dream Pt.2 "Risen to an Astral Flight" I believe he says... epic stuff.
That this album is better than TDG is blasphemy. That album is awesome.

Do I even need to mention Shades of Grey? That song kills any coolness the ST album holds. Rod gives his best performance on Taunting the Notorious, so that's some relief after the torture of the previous song o_O