you're a pack of fucking bastards (happy birthday Incendiare)


Oct 28, 2001
What are you waiting? her birthday was last Friday and you have not greeted her...move your asses :p

Happy belated birthday, Janelle , rock on!!!!
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Reactions: Incendiare

Happy belated birthday!!! :hotjump:
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Reactions: Incendiare
@Thanny: Thanks, Luis. You're crazy, but that's a good thing. Rock on!

@Northern_Lights: Thank you. My day was

@mousewings: Thanks.

@Tranquillian: Wow, thanks. I feel so privileged, taking you barely know me and you're taking the time...

@Steve: Yeah, a picture can say a thousand words. I like that In Flames idea too.

@Gums: That's very sweet of you.

@Arch: Thank you, Arch.

@wildfyr: Thanks, I did have a pretty good one.

@Tebus: It's alright, John. It's the thought that counts. Thanks, you rule too.
@Nick: Why, thank you.

@Rei Toei: Thanks.

@Lolita: Thank you!

@Xzar: Thanks!

@Miolo: Thanks, I got cd's and I'm happy.

@Hilgy: Thanks, I tried to have the most fun as humanly possible...well maybe not...

@Wazoo: Thanks, Val. No need to apologize.
Happy birthday Incendiare :)
and behold, i even managed/bothered to copy & paste your name :p
Is this that so called mental growth?