Yves Huts leaving Epica ;-(

Mar 26, 2012
sad news that Yves Huts has left Epica, one of my favorite symphonic metal bands, I truly wish you all the success in the world with all your new ventures.

good luck

In Metal We Trust !
unfortunately I think your opinion is obsolete, I am a huge fan end of story. Maybe you are not a fan of symphonic metal, so don't wast your time posting in this forum. Simone Simons is just beautifully awesome. Death metal is great too, but metal doesn't have to only encompass only death metal, their are many genres, like folk metal, symphonic metal, power and the rest I certainly don't have to justify myself but Simone has a beautiful voice and I really love female fronted bands. Just because its a bit more relaxing and not so harsh and screaming and all the rest doesn't mean its not awesome.
I am a supporter of all genres of metal, when people hear you like metal, they stereotype you. Because they are ignorant and don't know about symphonic and the like. all they know is bands like slayer etc. tho slayer are awesome, got the t-shirt. you see..

if you don't like Epica that's OK with me, but I mainly thinks it's because you are afraid to like something more melodic and classical sounding hence the symphonic element. you are afraid people will laugh or whatever. well you will never change my mind, Epica and Delain are awesome, I will be going to see Delain in a few months for their new album.
Actially, let's leave it. I'm not very knowedgeable on this subject and people might laugh at my dummy opinions.
Epica is just incredibly boring, completely safe 'symphonic' metal for people who're just getting into metal on the whole. I'm sorry, theres nothing good about the band beyond the lead vocalist being attractive. :/
unfortunately I think your opinion is obsolete
