Zanex, Metalized, Neverlady, and everyone else who reads what I have to say...


CT Thrash

Whatever you celebrate, I just wanna say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I'll be out of school on Christmas break for 3 weeks, which means I'll be off-line for 3 weeks. So I'll talk to you all in 2002! Take care over the holidays--if you've gotta become intoxicated or incapacitated, remember to consider those around you and yourself. I don't wanna come back and find out any of you are dreaming neon black!!!! METAL REIGNS ABOVE ALL!!!!! C-YA!!
Originally posted by CT Thrash
Whatever you celebrate, I just wanna say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I'll be out of school on Christmas break for 3 weeks, which means I'll be off-line for 3 weeks. So I'll talk to you all in 2002! Take care over the holidays--if you've gotta become intoxicated or incapacitated, remember to consider those around you and yourself. I don't wanna come back and find out any of you are dreaming neon black!!!! METAL REIGNS ABOVE ALL!!!!! C-YA!!
Merry whatever dude. Do the same things u suggested 4 us! we 'll miss u here!
remember all, if you are too loaded call for a cab... have a safe and mind blowing holiday season... nothing like eating mushrooms and playing in the snow
Originally posted by CT Thrash
Whatever you celebrate, I just wanna say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I'll be out of school on Christmas break for 3 weeks, which means I'll be off-line for 3 weeks. So I'll talk to you all in 2002! Take care over the holidays--if you've gotta become intoxicated or incapacitated, remember to consider those around you and yourself. I don't wanna come back and find out any of you are dreaming neon black!!!! METAL REIGNS ABOVE ALL!!!!! C-YA!!
Oh, man, thanks for all the good wishes!!! Take care and if you don't read it before 2002... I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!!! :D
Hey everyone! Well, I made it through the holidays without going crazy. Oh, wait, I already am crazy. Anyway, I'm back, ready to attack, and forever dreaming neon black!!!!!! Hope everyone had a rockin' holiday season and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Not quite to college yet, Zanex!!!!! Nope, I'm still a high school loser, I mean, senior. But I'm glad to be back. If anyone's interested, you can check out this radio station I listen to at KNON is a Dallas station that has all types of different music shows, but 3 weekly METAL shows!! Twisted Kicks on Wednesdays, Hard Time Radio on Thursdays, and The Dungeon on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings. The ones on Wed&Thur are from 8-10 pm Central and the Dungeon is from 12-4 am central. Anyway, these shows only play the good stuff. Extreme, underground death, thrash, grind, black, gore, etc.!!! It'd be cool if ya could maybe catch one of the shows on line! Trust me, ya won't be disappointed!!!! Well, I would recommend listening to Hard Time Radio or The Dungeon first, because the Twisted Kicks show does play some punk crap.