Zebulon Pike

this is a rockin' tune! Their last album wasn't all that exciting, but this seems like a big improvement on that. I'd been avoiding checking out this album since I thought the last one didn't really live up to all the hype, so I expected more of the same here..... but yeah, I might have to toss this disc in on my next order!
I got the first album last summer, and ordered the new one on Friday... so hopefully I'll have it in hand by this weekend.

Or in two and a half weeks.

Whenever intercontinental mail services deem it convenient to get the damn thing to me. heehee
This is one of the most overlooked bands today and one of the best bands I have heard in my entire 27 year existence. I can't even imagine what their next album is going to hold. I still have a hole in my chest from their performance @ DOBD. My imprint against the wall must still be there too. This band is essential and blows every other instrumental band out of the fucking water. Sadly, it took me to see their live performance to see my ignorant dismissal of their CD's. I just can't say enough.