Zero Hour At The NJ Prog House


New Metal Member
Nov 6, 2006

Zero Hour were amazing tonight at The NJ Prog House. They played songs from all four of their cds, as well as a new song from the upcoming cd to be released next year. I must say that Chris Salinas REALLY impressed me. His vocals are awesome on the cd, however live he pulled it off quite nicely. He handled the vocals effortlessly from songs by the previous two singers. Salinas was not only a pleasure to listen to he was great to watch, the man has a great stage presence. Additional he seems to be a super nice guy, I had the opportunity to speak with him briefly after the show. I would say the only real disappointments are minor and they have to do with song selection. I would have liked to have heard them play 'I Am Here', a song that is a great showcase for his voice, and more from 'Fragile Mind'. Overall the band was amazing, Jason and Troy were outstanding. I am a guitar player so I was eager to actually see Jason play and watch what he was doing, however I spent just as much time, if not more, watching Troy's fingers attack his bass, he was mesmerizing to watch at times. The band was tight, HEAVY and full of infectious energy, I hope to get the chance to see them again in the future.
I forgot to mention the opening band Suspyre, they were impressive as well. I had never heard of them before and to be honest I had no expections of them. However when they began to play the first thing I noticed was how good the vocalist was. As the show progressed I watched the guitar players and both were excellent, at times both really floored me with their leads. I spoke with both of them after the show and they were extremely friendly. The band is a mix of prog metal, neoclassical soloing and power metal. These guys are from New Jersey so I will be looking to see them in the future.​
I forgot to mention the opening band Suspyre, they were impressive as well. I had never heard of them before and to be honest I had no expections of them. However when they began to play the first thing I noticed was how good the vocalist was. As the show progressed I watched the guitar players and both were excellent, at times both really floored me with their leads. I spoke with both of them after the show and they were extremely friendly. The band is a mix of prog metal, neoclassical soloing and power metal. These guys are from New Jersey so I will be looking to see them in the future.​

Hey man thanks a lot for the review and the introduction of Suspyre. I love having new bands to check out.

Great you liked the gig that much.
Great show last night! Posted my review elsewhere, but figured I'd post it here too:

Despite not being a household name, Zero Hour performed in one last night: the Old Franklin Schoolhouse in Metuchen, NJ to be exact. But the only thing being taught was how to dance to odd-time signatures, courtesy of a slightly inebriated girl named Ashley, who was dancing so close to Chris Salinas (ex-Power of Omens singer) that he had to sing with his eyes shut in order not to lose concentration and botch up the lyrics.

Although the tickets were a bit pricey, the band made it worth every penny and gave its fans a real treat, covering songs from all 4 of their albums in addition to a song from their upcoming album, to be released sometime next year. The band covered classics such as Stratagem and Demise & Vestige, the melodically accessible There For Me, and several tunes from Specs. The lack of a stage provided a very intimate—yes, I’m aware that I’m talking about a schoolhouse—setting for the 30-something people in attendance. People sat silently (on their fold-up chairs) in awe of the Tipton brothers’ energy and the band’s overall intensity.

I think most would agree that their performance at Progpower VII did not do them justice, but that this show did. Fans had a chance to familiarize themselves with Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond, which is by far easily digestible on its first listen but has a wonderful snowballing effect after multiple. Perhaps the highlight of the evening was when Chris sang Reflections beautifully (off of Towers of Avarice), providing a fresh slap in the face to any nay sayers of his recent addition to the band. His impressive range complements the complexity of Zero Hour’s music rather nicely. Last night, this quartet proved that they are on top of the tech/prog game and that class is far from dismissed.