Just did an interview with Transcending the Mundane and here's the link to check it out http://basementbar.com/DefaultN1.asp and click on Jasun Tipton
This is for the 2005 release of Seduction.
I want to thank Christina Grimaldi for doing an amazing interview, YOU RULE!!!
Brett of Transcending for doing an amzing job of keeping METAL alive. YOU RULE BRETT.
You can get the CD through www.jasuntipton.com (It will give you all the info on ordering) and www.lasercd.com will have in stock in the next couple of days.
Thank you all so much for your support. You all just RULE!!!
This is for the 2005 release of Seduction.
I want to thank Christina Grimaldi for doing an amazing interview, YOU RULE!!!
Brett of Transcending for doing an amzing job of keeping METAL alive. YOU RULE BRETT.
You can get the CD through www.jasuntipton.com (It will give you all the info on ordering) and www.lasercd.com will have in stock in the next couple of days.
Thank you all so much for your support. You all just RULE!!!