zetro out of exodus!

Wow.. sounds like he was an asshole. Matt Harvey [their fill in for the tour] does some awesome vocals for his thrash band Dekapitator, so I can imagine he fits really well with Exodus.
Wow Im not a big fan of exodus but this is some weird shit.I dont know if Ive heard of a band that hats there lead singer so much.Was he there first singer and only singer or have they had other singers in the past.
Horrible news!
I don't think he's too big of a loss, but of course that can only be determined by who replaces him. Manny Lopez from Ulysses Siren would be a great choice if he was up to it. I don't really want to pull Matt Harvey away from Dekapitator though, seeing as it's been 5 years since We Will Destroy...You Will Obey!!! already.
..........well i happen to think he is a big loss!
Dodens Grav said:
Manny Lopez from Ulysses Siren would be a great choice if he was up to it.
For the record, this was my idea first.

I don't really want to pull Matt Harvey away from Dekapitator though, seeing as it's been 5 years since We Will Destroy...You Will Obey!!! already.
He said on the Exodus board they're working on new material. :Spin:

Anyway, yah, this blows goat cock and is only made worse by the ensuing drama. I wanna hear Zetro's side of the story.
C.O.T.L.O.D said:

Here`s what Gary wrote when he calmed down a lil bit:

I would just like to take a moment to apologize to all on this board for, as one already said, taking the low road here. While I stand by everything I said as the gospel truth I would also like to apologize for my personal attacks on Steve Souza. We have many of the same personal close friends and it's not fair of me to have maybe dragged them into the middle of this and as I am very fond of his family I regret possibly putting them in the middle of this as well. I am still VERY angry over this whole mess but I could have handled it in a more profesional manner. I do not think Steve will be easy to replace but it has to be done. A band can not continue when you have a cancer in its midst. I spent much time trying to make Zetro happy, on the road and off, but to no avail. And then he bails out on us about 26 hours before leaving for a sold out show in Mexico city, with no call to me to even try to explain himself. And this is after a lot of bullshit the last couple of years. I could have been more gracefull with my statment, but he could have left this band a lot more gracefully as well. It's a damn shame really, because I thought that we'd be able to work through all the other shit (which I had been giving a hall of fame efort to do so) but it just aint gonna' happen. I'm sorry to all the fans who were so stoked about Tempo, but I promise you all, the new album (which I'm already writing ) is going to crush. Nothing seems to get me motivated like anger these days, so you just have to trust me on this one.

Sometimes you say things out of anger and after a while you calm down and think things through a little. Was Zetro killer? Of course he was (is). Could we continue with the way things were going. No way. I'll admit at times I feel like just starting over, but this band has been my life for my entire adult life. It's all I know. Zetro has family but so do I and this is way I'm best suited to take care of them. He has a really good job and I know he worries about his and his own. I do too. It should not have come to this though. All he had to do was a few more shows and call it a day. Hell, if you are honest about your intentions, say that this is your last trip and you have to pack it up, why not go out with a bang and have a great time? Then we all hug and say fare thee well. But to be abandoned with out so much as a phone call is kind of hard to take. It feels like totally being betrayed. Hence the angry outburst. I don't hate Steve. He's been one of my brothers, a comrade in arms for a long time. But it will take a long time to completely forgive him. But I do wish him happiness. He just could not find it here anymore.

I still dont know what to think/feel about the whole case...