ZH vs. DM

That's a good question!!!!! When we've played out with ZH, we've had really good crowds but since the two clubs we played all the time closed down, we don't have anywhere to play at the moment. DM gets really good crowds and seems to find alot of bands who like DM alot and want to have DM on a bill with them. With DM we get alot of new fans around here because fans of Hardcore, Death Metal, Technical Metal and even Punk tend to like DM. Alot of clubs have a hard time getting bands together with ZH where DM its easier. Also it's two different crowds, ZH people enjoy the music and cheer. DM, bodies are flying, people diving off the stage, so it's a little different lol. Thanks for the question man.

Maybe, I'm getting too old, but I would prefer the ZH show the DM show... You know, stand back and jam on. I just saw the Nile, Napalm Death, Dark Tranquillity, Strapping Young Lads, and The Berserker show in Atlanta and it was too aggressive for me. Not as bad as the Slayer show I went to 2 years ago. I just can't stand the drunk violent assholes that want to throw around fists and elbows. They need to take that aggression out somewhere else, not at a show where people want to headbang and slam/thrash.
EXACTLY my point why I've always hated moshpits..... it's a bit less common over here in Europe than over there, luckily. Depends on crowd, and on the city... sure it's an outlet but one that's prohibiting those who want to headbang and enjoy the show from doing so :(