

Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
This seems to be a reasonable place for a topic like this...

So I've started up a print zine. It was meant to be essentialy just a newsletter for the local area, trying to get people more interested in extreme metal. This has grown a bit since the release of the second edition and now I'll be getting distrobution around a good part of the country (Australia). So... now it's a fully fledged zine, I'm a little lost as to what to do.

I'm curious about the methods of distrobution, contacting/interviewing bands and getting promo gear. I dont know anything about this sort of thing... I just review albums I buy and interview artists I like over email. Can you guys at Royal Carnage give me any pointers?
I can't speak for all my brethren here, but I don't think I would get much disagreement when I say that promo labels just get in the way of something you would rather listen to (and therefore want to write about).

RC would exist even without label promos. We buy more than enough music ourselves.

By the way, anyone else notice a trend as of late? LotFP is closing up shop since Raggi's moving to Finland, SSMT is no longer accepting any label promos, and Swedish Metal has slowed down to a near-halt (as far as I can tell from their forum).

And along comes ShroudOfDusk....I guess these things work in cycles.
Since you can't just link your interview or review in an email, you'll probably have to spend the money mailing your reviews and interviews to bands and labels.

Once these bands and labels see that you're serious, you will start to see the promos and stuff come to you. I've only been writing a little over two years, and I get tons of promos and crap. I reckon it took about 6 months to get hooked up with my first label that sent promos on a consistent basis. I've also found that certain bands will email me and ask if I will please review their new CD.

However, I still review a good portion of CD's that I buy, because I only have time to review the CD's I like. I send all the less desireable promos to other UM writers.
Erik said:
...Appropriate Apocalypse don't even have a forum anymore...
You're right, it's gone! It can't be through lack of activity though, because Mainstream Resistance is still alive...and someone even posted in it just yesterday!
ShroudOfDusk said:
Can you guys at Royal Carnage give me any pointers?
Write. Write some more. Afterwards, do a little writing. Then later on when you're finished with all that, write.

The majority of promos I get are crappy at best (probably only 5 of all those I've received I actually listen to after my review is complete), but it is a great way to get exposed to stuff I wouldn't normally. Helps me narrow down what I hate, for example due to all the melodic-death promos I'll probably never purchase an album of that genre again. :Spin:
NAD - what did you think of the latest batch of promos? I thought there might be a couple of things in there that you might dig.

Btw, I got a new batch in yesterday. Here's one for ya: ELLIPSIS..."multiple influences that go from Mr Bungle while passing Devin Townsend and Fear Factory".

Oh and I eagerly await your Scald review. :)
They just showed up yesterday so I haven't gotten a chance to listen to any, but that Golem cover is wicked.

Hmm, that Ellipsis sounds good, I'll bet BWD would like it too if he wasn't gay due to no longer liking Fear Factory. :loco:

I'll try to bang out that Scald review tonight or tomorrow if I need a little time to absorbd it.
NAD said:
I'll try to bang out that Scald review tonight or tomorrow if I need a little time to absorbd it.
Take your time. I'd rather it be well thought out than rushed, only 'cos it's going in to the feature and all.

I'm waiting for David Gold to get back to me on an advance copy of "Pursuit of the Sun...", but if we don't get one before the publish I can always go back and add it in later.

I'm sure there will be a number of you wanting to review the new WoY.
I'm guessing Adam decided to take the AA forum offline instead of having it remain dormant until it relaunches, if he's still going ahead with those plans. I've also noticed the decline of several prominen webzines, Jim has said that there will be more reviews, new and old, posted to the LOTFP website.
let me put my two cents in about a print zine. It is definitely a labor of love, and you will devote all of your time, and more money than you have into it.

I am still in debt from Mainstream Resistance...But would I change it if I could? Hell no!! I had a great time, and still plan one of these days to resurrect MSR.

But if you ask me, it all depends on how much heart you have for the music. If you are willing to do all these things, you will have a great time with it. Just don't go into it expecting to make alot of money, or just to get free promos.

My two cents

Evil C.
Well I've been working this thing on a zero budget so far, and it's turned out alright. All I've had to pay for is the paper for photocopying (yeah, it's a photocopied zine). I'm not expecting to get rich since they're offered for free from the counter of local music stores. Essentialy, it's just because of my love for the music and my enthusiasm to get more people in the local area interested in metal.

Cheers for all the advice, I'll take it all into consideration.
Yeah, just ask my tape of an interview from 3 months ago I still haven't transcribed. :tickled:

One of these millennia I'll get to it... :erk: