
The black guitarist was Ian Tafoya. In Cyclone Temple he used the name Greg Fulton. He also recorded under name Rebel Without Applause where he did the vocals too.

If anyone knows where to get all Znowhite and Cyclone Temple recordings, let me know.
You may want to check out www.metalhavenchicago.com for Znowhite/Cyclone Temple/Rebels Without Applause merchandise. I've found cds, tapes and vinyl of the aforementioned bands there in the past. Other than that, I think I might still have a sealed copy of "Act Of God" by Znowhite lying around here somewhere if you're interested...I bought several copies years ago when I came across them very cheaply and picked them up for myself and friends.
Since i don't live in the US could be a problem. I could send you the money for Act of God though. Not credit card owner. PM me if possible.