Zoe news


May 9, 2006
Ta da !


Fucking plaster off!

She still shouldn't walk or put weight on her leg (the bone is not fully healed to support weight) but that stage with the plaster has finished. Now, we're seeing the doc in one more week, and then he will prescribe the physical therapy and slowly she'll be able to do regular things.

A funny note: the doctor said she would need a few days to get used to life without plaster, and moving, sitting...10 minutes after we left his office, she was already sitting by herself ahah

Sorry for the large picture and the underpants :) Will upload a new photo with a smaller size.
Awesome, good to hear everything is working out fine :)
This reminded me I could never be a dad, I'd shit my pants every 10 seconds and be like DON'T CLIMB ON THAT CHAIR, DON'T WALK NEAR THE ROAD, blabla
Late seeing this. But, that great to read this! Like I said before, kids are tougher than we give them credit for, and seem really resilient. I think it's all that energy they have. They don't want to be slowed down any longer than they have to be. :)

Kids are WAY more resilient than they get credit for, half the time I think my kids play up their injuries/illness so they can get more sympathy :)

Here's to hoping for a nice fast recovery, and easy PT sessions for her.

Kids are WAY more resilient than they get credit for, half the time I think my kids play up their injuries/illness so they can get more sympathy :)

Here's to hoping for a nice fast recovery, and easy PT sessions for her.

Haha. How much an an audio geek am I? When I read "PT sessions" I first thought...why would she be working with ProTools? :lol: DOH!
haaha I was reading PT sessions and was like 'WTF?! I don't even use PT' heeheeh

Zoe was kinda in pain for the whole weekend but it is fine now. She moved TOO MUCH the day the plasters were removed, so that ruptured all the fibrosis she had on her muscles, ligaments and bones. So she spent the whole weekend crying, not moving the leg at all and kinda down. I talked to the doctor, he said that is OK and it is actually a good sign (because she stays quieter this way eheh). But she's fine now, starting to move again, sitting almost on her own, letting us carry her, stuff like that.