Zonaria - Young talent


valfri baguette
Oct 19, 2007
Great Swedish band, excellent stuff considering all of them are 20 yrs old, except for the drummer who is 19!


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Not really my cup of tea but still pretty badass. These guys must have started playing when they were fetuses.
First time I've heard them, or heard of them for that matter. Love it. Exactly the kind of band I'm always looking for.
So thanks for this thread!
Not bad.

Although they're missing certain something, a certain je ne sais quoi, if you will, to set them apart from the run-of-the-mill.

But they obviously have a bright future with the potential to become great some day.
I have read about that band some weeks ago, they were described as a mixture between Hypocrisy and Children Of Bodom -> the first vid shows exactly why imo.
Hm this is a bad Norther Copy without keyboards for me and I don't like Norther

But don't get me wrong! It's just because I think... their trousers look silly and it's not the shade of metal I like.