Search results

  1. Draugen

    Dave Kinkade selling his drums

    Just saw this on Blabbermouth and I thought that it might be of interest to some of you guys. Sounds like he's giving up drumming altogether. If that's so, it's a shame. But all the best to Dave in the future and good luck with the baby...
  2. Draugen

    Faceplant Metalfest in Sweden

    Anyone in Southern Sweden/Denmark/Norway/northern Germany or similar that's going to this event in my city? Two days. Quite cheap entrance fee. And a few cool bands (Marduk, Dark Tranquillity, Månegarm and Krisiun). They are going to have about 15 more bands once it's finished so I just...
  3. Draugen

    Trollskogen - version 4!

    Yeah, I don't really know why I did it and I don't really know if anyone cares, but here it is anyway - I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker v. 4. I recieved an e-mail a couple of weeks ago from some guy (hey, at least one cares!) who wanted to know if I had any plans to re-launch Trollskogen and I...
  4. Draugen

    The tattoo-thread

    Okay, now it is started. I noticed there were two old threads with tattoos in this forum, but they we're all regarding V-tattoos. I think some of us have others, don't you? :p
  5. Draugen

    Two new songs posted on Fissions myspace!

    Go there. Now. * Pain Parade * Frequency Control (short version)
  6. Draugen

    The Ooh's and Aah's of Vintersorg & Otyg

    Ok so I was a little bored today and put this together. Took maybe an hour or so, but the result became quite funny IMO. CHECK IT OUT -> (12.5 MB)
  7. Draugen

    ...and a happy new year... all of you! Hope you all get drunker than ever tonight! :rock::kickass::zombie::Puke:
  8. Draugen

    New demo with Skald released

    :Spam: ...and here we go with the whole "I'm-just-promoting-my-own-shitty-band" ;) Well, my folkmetal band Skald have just released our second demo "Trolska Vemodsband" (anyone recognizing that line from a certain Otyg song? ;)). Compared to our first demo, we are actually satisfied this...
  9. Draugen

    At Dawn...

    Sorry to do commercial like this, but I just wanted to inform you guys that my band At Dawn... just have released our first demo. It's some sort of death/thrash metal in which I scream. The entire demo (complete with artwork) can be downloaded here + there's also an 11-minute studiovideo from...
  10. Draugen

    Trollskogen v. 5

    OK, just wanted to tell everyone that version 5 of Trollskogen is almost finished. Most of the design and graphics are made, but I just realized that I have very little new material to upload. If anyone has something that he/she thinks might be useful for Trollskogen (graphics, MP3s, videos...
  11. Draugen

    The anagram band thread

    Hehe, I am easily amused these days and when I found this place I just had to play around a bit. :Smug: Anagrams are fun and my favourite right now is GIN SORTER V - guess which band that is? :p Anyway, this forum is starting to get boring, not many posts anymore... So come on guys (and girls) -...
  12. Draugen

    Mattias midsummer activities

    Just heard from an unknown source that "Mattias Marklund är en jävel på kubb" .... No comments. And no, I wont reveal my source :p And yes, I'm drunk as usual... And no, I don't know why I started a thread about this anyway...
  13. Draugen

    What happened in late 1999-early 2000?

    The thing is, I just browsed on a veeeeery old V-page that hasn't been updated since late 1999. It said that "Ödemarkens Son" was just released and had this info about the "new" album. * The next album is called Naturmystik (“Nature mysticism”) and not as planned Skogen sover!!! It contains of...
  14. Draugen

    Borknagar bootleg vid. Wacken 2002

    I posted this at the Vintersorg forum, so I thought I'd post it here as well... "To get back on the topic (why is it that we always manage to drift so far from the original topic on this forum? :grin: the Trollskog-page is once again updated. This time I've added the bootleg concert of...
  15. Draugen


    eh...sorry... Ignore this thread! Why can't you delete threads??? Arggghh!!!! :yell:
  16. Draugen

    IMPORTANT: Query for Mr. V

    This is how things are: Me and Horz have talked quite a bit about something that we really wish to do, and that many V-fans probably would like. I need to get in contact with Mr. V first though. So Andreas, if you read this - please send me a mail (I've lost yours) whenever you have the time, so...
  17. Draugen

    Sorry!!! I just had to...

    ...put this picture on the web. It shows a very drunk Mr. V at the backstage area of Wacken Open Air 2002. Scanned from the Swedish mag. Metal Wire. Enjoy!
  18. Draugen

    I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker v. 3.0

    Yes, it is finally online! The old adress ( is still working, but there is one annyoing pop-up though. If you're smart, you bookmark which is completly commercial-free... As soon as I get my hands on the Otyg-video, it will be...
  19. Draugen

    Yet another question for Mr. V *sigh*

    Mr. V, I was wondering what the symbol on the front of Cosmic Genesis means? :grin: No seriously, I have big plans regarding the trollskog-page as I feel it's time for a major update. Så Andreas, jag hade tänkt att inkludera allt som du har spelat in. Vi snackar alltså allt från Cosmic Death...
  20. Draugen

    Top-5 favourite bands/artists

    Due to a lack of interest in general life, internet seems to take over my life completely. Therefore I decided to start another thread, to put some more life into this forum. The rules are: * You cannot mention Vintersorg/Otyg/Borknagar or any other Mr. V-related band. This is just to make...