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  1. V

    The Video of the last album

    I guess we haven't been so active here latley. the Video from the last album in case you've missed it.
  2. V

    The new full Vintersorg video

    Here's a link to the new Vintersorg video.
  3. V

    Vintersorg video teaser # 2
  4. V

    Vintersorg video teaser

    Here's a link to a teaser for the a Video regarding the new Vintersorg album that will be out the 27/6 mr V
  5. V

    part II out of IIII

    So: the upcoming album is part II out of a sequence of four albums that are loosely connected by the lyrical content. It started with "Jordpuls", so know you just have to figure out what the future album are all about:) mr V
  6. V

    Update new album

    So, we've worked kind of frequently on the new album and so far we've mixed some tracks. We just need now to add on some guitar leads and "fine tune" the mix and then master the album. But we've done all this without having a we'll see when the album will actually arrive outside our...
  7. V

    a new title:)

    A new title: "Norrskenssyner" It's kinda a part two of "Norrskensdrömmar" from the first Mcd mr V
  8. V


    a new review: mr V
  9. V

    The New album Title

    Ok, things are nearly summed up now. The mix is done...only mastering left, a direction of the cover is decided and the work is in process. So, for the album title that I promised was about to be revealed some time a go: here you have it "Jordpuls", would be something like "Earth Pulse" in...
  10. V

    Update 17/6

    Time to write something down about things. We're mixing the new Vintersog album this summer, only bass left to record and I've just started with that....but with our pickyness it will take some time, as my day is just to short. An album title is soon to be revealed. The new Waterclime album is...
  11. V


    Things are going well with the recording of the new album. All the vocals is finnished, keyboards as well so we're heading for the guitars now. I really think that every song is very strong and have a cool vibe. mr V
  12. V

    New Album

    We've started to record some stuff for the new album.It sounds far:) It'll be folky but still some new elements are in there. Very flowing songs!!! We're very excited!!! Just wait and see... mr V
  13. V


    Some news: I've now written 5-6 new Vintersorg tracks that sound really cool with a lot of folk touch but somehow it also has a touch of CG atmosphere. Just going to start to record some stuff during this summer. A new Waterclime album is now completed, at the moment I'm noe shure who will...
  14. V

    Up and running!! mr V
  15. V

    Some news regarding activities mr V
  16. V

    Album news

    you find it at Vintersorganic mr V
  17. V

    The new album title

    I haven't had the time to get some news together for the site..studying, family, recording, interviews etc. But the album will be called: "Solens Rötter" mr V
  18. V

    Waterclime local press
  19. V

    Vintersorg explores Prog Rock

    Vintersorg explores progressive rock with new project named Waterfield Excerpt from Waterfield Biography: The project started out as an experiment and a location for relaxation, without any pressure or profound goal. Mr V (Vintersorg/Borknagar/Fission…) has been in love with...
  20. V

    Vintersorg at trästocksfestivalen

    The festival contacted us today and we said Yes, we also played there last year and it'll be great... mr V