Album update thread :)

I am done with most of the design for the web-site, and am working on the text at the moment. I will try to get it up before midnight tomorrow, but I`ll post here the moment it is on the net.

Morgana said:
Hurrah, the site is online ;)
damn i love forums! got almost all my questions answered in one swoop.

here are some that werent answered.

march 15 worldwide or just europe?

bonus cd or dvd?

bonus tracks for europeans?

yeah that is about it for the queries, now for the praise;

fucking love the infinite!!

the new site is primo too!

thanks for the info and i shall be waiting with bated breath till the 15th of march.
berkleyblack said:
damn i love forums! got almost all my questions answered in one swoop.

here are some that werent answered.

march 15 worldwide or just europe?

bonus cd or dvd?

bonus tracks for europeans?

yeah that is about it for the queries, now for the praise;

fucking love the infinite!!

the new site is primo too!

thanks for the info and i shall be waiting with bated breath till the 15th of march.
First of all, thank you for the praise! I hope you're gonna like Cyclic.

As far as I know the date for Europe as of now is March 22nd. They usually release it in the states a month later.

There will be no bonus material on any of the Cyclic releases unfortunatly, but we have some interesting projects in mind for the not to distant future, so stay tuned :cool:
Got the album in the mail today and the first spin just ended. Really damn nice album, much more versatile than the last album and I can already say that I also like it better :)
Good work guys!
got mine too... i wasnt very impressed with The infinite, but this one is really awesome! Great work Guys!