Alexi passed away

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Here's a thought experiment:
Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend dies after 15 years. You know that you are the inheritor. However, you were in contact almost daily, tell each other everything, are best friends, but secretly. Would you then suddenly give up the money?

Or, you have had no contact at all for 15 years, read about the death in the newspaper, but know that you are the heir. Would you then suddenly give up the money?

If someone has a rightfully legal claim to something, then sure, you can't blame them for trying, within reason of course. Or at least for trying to find out what's what. Some relative dying somewhere with the possibility of inheriting something, who wouldn't want that? But laws are in place to avoid these moral dilemmas and uncertainties. Banks and the government too are involved as banks can't just handout some deceased person's money to someone who shows up with a paper asking for it. And as a last resort, governments usually get to keep someone's stuff.

It sounds like Alexi's sister may have played an important role in Alexi's life, perhaps she was able to direct some of Alexi's financial affairs and avoid an outcome that Alexi didn't want.
Guys I just read that terrific battle at internet between Kim and Kelli. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?
What money, what accounts, what female hate, what the shit!

Death of Alexi hit me so bad that I haven't proper sleep since 4th. It's probably a thing I would never be able to fully accept. It crushed me in so many pieces. I can't understand what's all this drama about, who said what, what funds, what rumors. Can someone EVER prove any of this?
I have always respected Kimberly Goss as the goddess of metal music. She claims Alexi never divorced with her. In his book he says they married because she needed a visa. I never sai they didn't love each other. But she acued his wife, last wife, in literally making him sick and killing him. It's shocking and disgusting. They looks happy together, he adopted Kelli's kid. I mean, a man in love is a blind man, but Alexi wasn't a fool. Is that even possible such thing to happen, someone, please tell me his sickness wasn't caused by his last wife!

Anyway... Why such silence about even the date of his death, what a date could reveal? Nobody says what his illness was, I feel sick thinking of this. Can anyone please say something?
What also makes me wonder is this gofundme thing.

I really like Andy, but why is he doing this?

People donating for Alexi's funeral is all well and good, but what does his family in Australia have to do with it? I mean, Kelli is - what we know now - nothing more than his girlfriend who lives in Australia.

Alexi dies in Finland and was buried there. So what does Kelli have to do with it and why should people donate to her?
Does her house possibly belong to Alexi after all and she now thinks she's going to lose it and that's why she's after the donations?

Somehow I can't imagine Andy - who also lives in Australia - collecting money for Alexi's family in Finland, whom he probably doesn't know at all.
What also makes me wonder is this gofundme thing.

I really like Andy, but why is he doing this?

People donating for Alexi's funeral is all well and good, but what does his family in Australia have to do with it? I mean, Kelli is - what we know now - nothing more than his girlfriend who lives in Australia.

Alexi dies in Finland and was buried there. So what does Kelli have to do with it and why should people donate to her?
Does her house possibly belong to Alexi after all and she now thinks she's going to lose it and that's why she's after the donations?

Somehow I can't imagine Andy - who also lives in Australia - collecting money for Alexi's family in Finland, whom he probably doesn't know at all.

Kelli and Alexi were married, she wasn't just a girlfriend. He can't be married for another woman without cancel his first marriage. He was also married for Kristen years ago. He adopted Kelli's kid, they were married for three years.

Was she at Finland when he died? It was the week before New Year, he wasn't supposed to be alone. This entire silence makes me feel so bad. Something's not right.
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please tell me his sickness wasn't caused by his last wife!

He was probably ill before he met Kelli

Kelli and Alexi were married, she wasn't just a girlfriend. He can't be married for another woman without cancel his first marriage. He was also married for Kristen years ago.
Was she at Finland when he died? It was the week before New Year, he wasn't supposed to be alone. This entire silence makes me feel so bad. Something's not right.

Because he never got divorced from Goss he never legally married Kelli. She has now admitted they weren't married. She wasn't in Finland, she was in Australia when Alexi died. He was with his family.
I don't know who's right or wrong, and honestly I don't even care.... but, I always felt it was strange and maybe inappropriate how Kim had total disregard for Alexi's new wife in her statements since Alexi's death.
Guys I just read that terrific battle at internet between Kim and Kelli. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?
What money, what accounts, what female hate, what the shit!

Death of Alexi hit me so bad that I haven't proper sleep since 4th. It's probably a thing I would never be able to fully accept. It crushed me in so many pieces. I can't understand what's all this drama about, who said what, what funds, what rumors. Can someone EVER prove any of this?
I have always respected Kimberly Goss as the goddess of metal music. She claims Alexi never divorced with her. In his book he says they married because she needed a visa. I never sai they didn't love each other. But she acued his wife, last wife, in literally making him sick and killing him. It's shocking and disgusting. They looks happy together, he adopted Kelli's kid. I mean, a man in love is a blind man, but Alexi wasn't a fool. Is that even possible such thing to happen, someone, please tell me his sickness wasn't caused by his last wife!

Anyway... Why such silence about even the date of his death, what a date could reveal? Nobody says what his illness was, I feel sick thinking of this. Can anyone please say something?

Wait, Kimberly really said Kelly is responsible for his illness? Lol
Well she said his wife, Kelli, made him sick, kept him on drugs and caused his condition. Yes.

First I thought it's typical female hate, ex vs now wife. Kimberly acused Kelli in creating account to boast with her relationship with Alexi, but Kimberly herself created her account at the day they announced his death, not before or after. All in all she said some friend of Kelli created account to collect profits for Alexi's funeral. Account was based in Australia since I understand. Funeral was in Finland. Wasn't it possible money to be transferred? Why donations anyway? She says they stole from fans.

Was Kelli with him when he died? The entire week is for family and celebrating, it's supposed a family to be together.
Kimberly says they chatted for weeks before he died. Did she knew? She also says Kelli caused the end of COB. And also Alexi's death.

At one point, I hate how she jumps on grieving widow, acusing her, saying she is only protecting herself from her accusations. It sounds like a jealousy to me. But it's true he started getting worst and worst for last few years, he lost weight, always looked tired.
Man who lives traveling and eat junky food, drinks like fuck and is always active doesn't get sick just like that, at instant.
But he was happy. He adopted Kelli's child. They seemed happy couple. If he was in love he might be blind, but so blind to let her cause his death? Seriously? Alexi was a good person but not a fool, if she made him worst, it must be some love spell so strong to make him senseless to anything not to even notice his health was so bad.
Why are they keeping the cause of death in secret, if nothing's wrong? All of them, Children Of Bodom, Bodom After Midnight, his wife, Kimberly... Why nobody said even the date, what a date could reveal anyway? It's not normal to say "week before new year, have a nice day"! It's unnatural behaviour.
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" Was Kelli with him when he died? "
Nooo. Kelli was in Australia, Alexi in Finland. Why? COVID.

" Man who lives on street and eat junky food, drinks like fuck and is always active doesn't get sick just like that, at instant. "
He did not become ill immediately. Its condition has gradually deteriorated since ~ 2013. In 2019 was the worst.
He died on 30. Dec and Kelli wasn’t with him. In fact, they didn’t see each other for 10 months.

And I came to the conclusion, that this whole fund me thing is totally bullshit.

the Initiator of this was not Andy Gillion (as I thought), it was Sheri Vengeance. She claims to be a close friend with Alexi and Kelli and all the money goes to his family. In australia. To Alexis girlfriend. Kelli. And not to his real family in Finland where he is buried.

So again: what the heck has Kelli to do with Alexis funeral in Finland if she’s just his girlfriend living in Australia? That doesn’t make sense.
Isn't the gofundme thing over now. They explain it's was to support Kelli. Or did they start out saying it was for his funeral?
First things first, RIP Mr. Laiho, him and Mr. Liimatainen got me started with the guitar 15 years ago, COB and old SA were my favorite bands at the time (COB is still one of my favorite).

About this whole situation, I don't really want to take sides with any of these women but as a big COB and Sinergy fan, my support naturally goes with Kim.

A few too many weird things about this woman in Australia, her Instagram posts about Alexi with the hashtags to get likes, Alexi drinking alcohol in her pictures even though he was a recovering alcohol addict for a long time, her needs to tell the world about Alexi being a true father to her daughter etc. Good catch for a single, pretty much unknown woman and mother.

There's no denying Alexi loved this woman, I am sure he did with all his heart but I don't know, I feel something's wrong with her and her friends writing crap against Kim, setting up a gofundme account and stuff...

Regarding his book that came out in 2019, he was already seeing this woman for a couple years --anyone familiar with Yngwie Malmsteen knows that his official biography, supervised by his wife, lacks information about his past life (old band members, girlfriends and so on wrote about this in his unauthorized biography) in general, unpleasant things have been dumped to rearrange reality... so maybe Alexis' book got the same fate--

Anyway this whole situation is fucked up and sad, I hope things get sorted out soon and wish both sides the best.

Sorry for the english, it's not my first language.
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Isn't the gofundme thing over now. They explain it's was to support Kelli. Or did they start out saying it was for his funeral?

It's over,yes.

Sheri wrote " instead of flowers we came up with the idea of a Go Fund Me."

So it's like, don't bring us flowers, bring us your money.

She also wrote this "The money raised will go towards his burial and all associated expenses that arise from losing a loved one so suddenly."
" Was Kelli with him when he died? "
Nooo. Kelli was in Australia, Alexi in Finland. Why? COVID.

" Man who lives on street and eat junky food, drinks like fuck and is always active doesn't get sick just like that, at instant. "
He did not become ill immediately. Its condition has gradually deteriorated since ~ 2013. In 2019 was the worst.

Isn't Christmas family holiday more than any other? Why his wife and his kid, adopted or not, wasn't with him? Isn't that strage?
How do you know where she was anyway? I always wonder how such private information is getting out so fast.
If she wasn't there, who was? Don't fucking tell me he died alone at holidays.

He died on 30. Dec and Kelli wasn’t with him. In fact, they didn’t see each other for 10 months.
How do you know that? After so little information is known, how do you know the date?

My point was he had unhealthy life for decades, drinking, eating whatever they grab after the show, sleeping a few hours, traveling a lot... He wasn't a lazy couch potato to get any tiny infection and die from it.
If he started being ill, what was that illness? I dig a lot, honestly. He lost weight so fast. It could be anemia. Somebody mentioned stomach ulcers, but it's acting a bit different. I had stomach ulcers, they are not caused by drugs. Stress, spicy food, soft drinks like coca cola, some pills that are hard for stomach, but he should drink them daily. And still stomach ulcers could bleed in instant or just be in remission for years.
Cancer? If it was cancer they wouldn't say "his sudden death". When you have cancer nothing's sudden, you have one thing in mind. If it was cancer he wouldn't start a new band months before he died, he would know his condition and stay with his family, or rush to release the album, it really came from nowhere.
At 20th of December Kelli posted their last picture together. He was tired but not looking so bad. At 22th of December Bodom After Midnight posted their last picture, I've never seen him in worst condition. Actually at 2nd of December Daniel posted, I thought, man, get some fuckign sleep for fuck's sake!
At 4th of January they just said "he died from 28th to 31st from long term illness".

Well excuse me, but if that's not strange and fucking empty of logic, I don't know what to say.

Don't get me wrong, people, I more than anyone hate digging in people's personal life. It's none of our business to get involved between wife and husband relationships. But this guy was also our idol, the person we followed, supported, worshiped, coppied and adored for fucking years. We knew his habits, his gestures, some of us gave insane money to buy their discography, his guitars, to learn to play like him because he just burned a fire for us nothing could ever get extinguished. Many of us mate him, toalked to him, others were just a meters of him at concerts. We fucking had so much invested in him because he was our example to follow. Mine, if you dissagree. I was always thinking, "Man, I want to be like him, he is never giving up, he always get up when bwing taken down, and not just crawling, he is kicking and screaming. I fucking want to be like him!"
So forgive me if you think it's too much to doubt and ask, but there's something unrevealed and hidden with purpose about Alexi's death.
Dying at age of 40 is not natural, not normal, it sohuldn't happen. And if it's not terrible enough that all of us loved him so much, now some disgusting things are flooding from everywhere. It makes me sick! I want someone to prove to me this man died in no pain and wasn't betrayed to his death, because it would be too much, unacceptable, unbearable much.
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Ill go with Stomach ulcers, ive read that this Ulcers can burst and you can die after a few minutes...
And yes, this comes from to much Alcohol. As far as i know Alexi was not into drugs.
Oh and uh... do not know anymore what to think about the whole case at the moment. Confused, dirty and not too happy. So... logical way to deal with this is to stop looking at IG & FB and all the s..t those two groups throw on each other, open a bottle of Jaloviina, crank up the old amp and play along with "Everytime I die" with full passion and over my abilities and now and then taking a sip in a memory of a great composer and group behind this masterpiece of a modern metal music. Over and out.
Ill go with Stomach ulcers, ive read that this Ulcers can burst and you can die after a few minutes...
And yes, this comes from to much Alcohol. As far as i know Alexi was not into drugs.
I had stomach ulcers. If they burst they cause internal bleeding. Person could die in minutes if nobody's around to help, but he doesn't gets worst and worst from them like that. They are caused by stress, spicy food, soft drinks, some pills, as I already explained. But if he had them and knew for them, he had a treatment. They cause terrible stomach pain and can't just kill him like that for one night. He was looking sick for months.

Alcohol damages the liver, not the stomach. He's been a drunker since his teen years, it won't just change his condition so fast if he wasn't mixed it with petrol.
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First things first, RIP Mr. Laiho, him and Mr. Liimatainen got me started with the guitar 15 years ago, COB and old SA were my favorite bands at the time (COB is still one of my favorite).

About this whole situation, I don't really want to take sides with any of these women but as a big COB and Sinergy fan, my support naturally goes with Kim.

A few too many weird things about this woman in Australia, her Instagram posts about Alexi with the hashtags to get likes, Alexi drinking alcohol in her pictures even though he was a recovering alcohol addict for a long time, her needs to tell the world about Alexi being a true father to her daughter etc. Good catch for a single, pretty much unknown woman and mother.

There's no denying Alexi loved this woman, I am sure he did with all his heart but I don't know, I feel something's wrong with her and her friends writing crap against Kim, setting up a gofundme account and stuff...

Regarding his book that came out in 2019, he was already seeing this woman for a couple years --anyone familiar with Yngwie Malmsteen knows that his official biography, supervised by his wife, lacks information about his past life (old band members, girlfriends and so on wrote about this in his unauthorized biography) in general, unpleasant things have been dumped to rearrange reality... so maybe Alexis' book got the same fate--

Anyway this whole situation is fucked up and sad, I hope things get sorted out soon and wish both sides the best.

Sorry for the english, it's not my first language.

Not just Kelli confirmed this things, Alexi's sister too.
Isn't Christmas family holiday more than any other? Why his wife and his kid, adopted or not, wasn't with him? Isn't that strage?
How do you know where she was anyway? I always wonder how such private information is getting out so fast.
If she wasn't there, who was? Don't fucking tell me he died alone at holidays.

My point was he had unhealthy life for decades, drinking, eating whatever they grab after the show, sleeping a few hours, traveling a lot... He wasn't a lazy couch potato to get any tiny infection and die from it.
If he started being ill, what was that illness? I dig a lot, honestly. He lost weight so fast. It could be anemia. Somebody mentioned stomach ulcers, but it's acting a bit different. I had stomach ulcers, they are not caused by drugs. Stress, spicy food, soft drinks like coca cola, some pills that are hard for stomach, but he should drink them daily. And still stomach ulcers could bleed in instant or just be in remission for years.
Cancer? If it was cancer they wouldn't say "his sudden death". When you have cancer nothing's sudden, you have one thing in mind. If it was cancer he wouldn't start a new band months before he died, he would know his condition and stay with his family, or rush to release the album, it really came from nowhere.
At 20th of December Kelli posted their last picture together. He was tired but not looking so bad. At 22th of December Bodom After Midnight posted their last picture, I've never seen him in worst condition. Actually at 2nd of December Daniel posted, I thought, man, get some fuckign sleep for fuck's sake!
At 4th of January they just said "he died from 28th to 31st from long term illness".

Well excuse me, but if that's not strange and fucking empty of logic, I don't know what to say.

Don't get me wrong, people, I more than anyone hate digging in people's personal life. It's none of our business to get involved between wife and husband relationships. But this guy was also our idol, the person we followed, supported, worshiped, coppied and adored for fucking years. We knew his habits, his gestures, some of us gave insane money to buy their discography, his guitars, to learn to play like him because he just burned a fire for us nothing could ever get extinguished. Many of us mate him, toalked to him, others were just a meters of him at concerts. We fucking had so much invested in him because he was our example to follow. Mine, if you dissagree. I was always thinking, "Man, I want to be like him, he is never giving up, he always get up when bwing taken down, and not just crawling, he is kicking and screaming. I fucking want to be like him!"
So forgive me if you think it's too much to doubt and ask, but there's something unrevealed and hidden with purpose about Alexi's death.
Dying at age of 40 is not natural, not normal, it sohuldn't happen. And if it's not terrible enough that all of us loved him so much, now some disgusting things are flooding from everywhere. It makes me sick! I want someone to prove to me this man died in no pain and wasn't betrayed to his death, because it would be too much, unacceptable, unbearable much.

" Don't fucking tell me he died alone at holidays. "
I don't know, we don't know, but I think he was alone at the moment (at his home, in Finland). But he spent the holidays with his family, of course (there was a picture of this here as well). In Finland.
" Why his wife and his kid, adopted or not, wasn't with him? "
Because... COVID. Travel is / was prohibited.

" How do you know where she was anyway? I always wonder how such private information is getting out so fast. "
" Due to the pandemic Wright-Laiho hadn’t been able to see Laiho in ten months. She tells that the couple had long video chats and sent songs and love letters to each other. Until the messages suddenly stopped. "
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