Amazing show tonight at Webster Hall in NYC


Resident Shackaholic
Mar 6, 2003
Thank you Into Eternity, for starting the night that will rate as the MOST metal night in my concert history!!!!!! To see IE, then Nevermore, then Opeth...I'm trying to slap myself awake from this dream, but it's not a dream, it's reality, and my god what a fucking awesome night it was!!!!!!

I'd write the setlist but I know I'm missing something off of Dead or Dreaming, probly Elysium Dream or Absolution of the Soul or both, I can't remember. After witnessing Nevermore followed by Opeth (THREE OF MY FAV FUCKING BANDS IN ONE NIGHT!!!!??!?!?!), I'm impressed I remember this much. But I do remember these:

Spiraling Into Depression
Splintered Vision
3 Dimensional Aperture
Beginning of the End

So anyways, I saw these guys back in March or April with Amorphis at BB kings, and I was floored, despite IE not being 100% cuz of the flu. But TONIGHT, in full power, all the vocals there...OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, IE is friggin awesome to hang with. They talk to us fans, they love us fans... that rulez in and if itself. If IE reads this, I was the guy with the Zero Hour shirt telling ya to take them out on the road with ya ;)

Amazing show, I'll comment more tomorrow when I can think clearly. You're missing both Elysium Dream and Absolution of the Soul, they played both. Oh, and the sound sucked ass for IE but they were awesome anyway of course.
All three bands put on a great show (easily the best Opeth concert I've attended, and Nevermore was tight as shit), and Into Eternity's guitar sound was deafening...besides coming in at the end of Elysium Dream, no disappointments this time around. And I got my copy of BIO autographed by three of the guys...a great night for metal indeed.
I might be able to provide a more coherent review now that I'm partially rested. As I mentioned before, the sound was just terrible for IE and Nevermore, but they both put on killer performances. The sound was mostly corrected for Opeth.

Into Eternity was the tightest I've ever seen them, and I'd love to see some new songs thrown in ;) I mentioned playing Torn to Tim after the show and he said they could start throwing it in. Got to hang out with all the band after as always which was just a blast. If you guys read this, I'm the one who picked up the jacket (even though I almost forgot it when you started to pull away!) :) If you haven't seen this tour and still have a chance to, DO IT!
Incredible show! Even if I have seen IE 7 times this year. ;)

Unfortunately the sound wasn't too great where shaq and I were standing for IE and Nevermore, but they did have very energetic performances. I must say it's been fun watching IE grow better as a band this year. You guys sound better than ever! And Stu is the perfect vocalist for the band. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with in the studio!

Cool as always hanging out with you guys. Thank you Tim, Rob, Troy, Stu and Adam for being such awesome people. I hope after this tour you get some time to rest--you deserve it!

I'll miss hanging out with you guys every month or two, but I look forward to the new cd. Maybe the next time you tour I'll actually be able to drink legally. :p