An idea I may flesh out a bit...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Anyone remember Hard 60 or Hard 30 or whatever the fuck it was back in the day on MTV? Metal Shop on all of those other little shirt shows that came on during the weekday afternnons?

Well, considering sometimes our MSRCAST show schedule is a bit sporadic, I think I am going to start a little solo show that's about 30 minutes to an hour, where I highlight certain bands or genres, I haven't really "fleshed" it all out yet, but I think I will make it available here on the board, maybe that will help liven up the board a bit. Give it something that is available exclusively here.

It will be a weekly show if I do it. This will simply be an extension of our show, but different, so as to not take anything away from the already successful MSRCAST show.

Stay tuned, I will be posting more soon. :loco: