Angel Dust News


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Sad for me since I love Dirk vocals, let's see how it ends...

Carsten Kaiser (formerly Everflow) will be the new man behind the micro of Angel Dust. Whether he can replace the gap which Dirk Thurisch left, will show the future hopefully soon. Through the search for a new man also the production of the new album kept on being delayed. The preproduction is supposed to begin shortly, the studio date is planned for March 2006. According to drummer Dirk Assmuth the new material is supposed to go again more direction "Enlighten The Darkness". A statement from the band for the whole situation is coming soon.
That board was vey stalled, I guess after the server change Deron talked to many webmasters and some didn't wanted to continue, dunno for sure.

As for AD, I hope the new singer hasa good style, one of the thinmgs I liked the most about the second era of AD was the vocals of Dirk, to me a trademark of the band.

NP: Black Sabbath - She's Gone
Bleed was the first song I ever heard and made me a fan ever since. The break where the singer comes in and goes IF IT MAKES ME BLEED just hit me like a fucking hammer.
Bleed was the first song I ever heard and made me a fan ever since. The break where the singer comes in and goes IF IT MAKES ME BLEED just hit me like a fucking hammer.

Wow! The same happened to me. I used to buy at a place called Molten Metal, they send me a couple of times samplers of the bands they carry on MP3 format. The first time I heard 'Bleed' was exacting like Ever said...the best part is that still is :D

After it I got rapidly into the rest of the albums and even search deeply for the first two the thrash era of the band (and I found them :headbang: ).
Wyvern said:
That board was vey stalled, I guess after the server change Deron talked to many webmasters and some didn't wanted to continue, dunno for sure.
I've just given a look at the AD official website, and the link to the forum still works actually! So maybe that's just a link missing from UM index? Weird.

Here's the "hidden" link ->
Fangface said:
I've just given a look at the AD official website, and the link to the forum still works actually! So maybe that's just a link missing from UM index? Weird.

Here's the "hidden" link ->

Even weirder I got this:

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I guess they don't like me around :lol:
That is so sad. I can't imagine AD without DT. Trust me though.... those guys weren't pals. They didn't even sign autographs together at PPII. Oh well.... never know what can happen.
