Another show, another tired trip back home


Oct 12, 2004
Hi, folks!

I just wanted to thank everybody who came out and stayed through the entire show last night, even if it only meant seeing about 35 minutes of material performed. Your enthusiasm made it worth the trip from Chicago.

For those who care to know, the set list comprised of:

I Move On
Kings Of The Valley
Listen To You, Listen To Me
Writings On The Wall (new song, never-before played live)
Fading In...
Hostile Takeover

We were supposed to do another new song entitled "Sinister Seduction," but Matt had caught a vile bug in his stomach and suggested that we skip it. It's a pretty relentless tune that's full of double bass action, so we completely understood the decision.

Speaking of Matt, if you were at the show, then you already know that last night's gig was our last with him. We're certainly sad to see him go, as he's been there from the very start. Unfortunately, a combination of financial issues and musical differences has led him on a different path. Even though I've only been in the band officially for five months, I've enjoyed their music since "A New Breed Of Rebellion" was released, and I can tell you that I think Matt is one of the most gifted drummers I've ever heard. His diversity, creativity, and adaptability to the various styles of music embraced by Katagory V will forever be missed. Thank you, Matt. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

That said, this band has some serious tests ahead of them. You can rest assured that you haven't heard the last of us. I'm definitely not giving up before a new album is made. I think I can speak for the entire band when I say that we are going to prove that there is life in this band yet. Any naysayers will be pleasantly surprised when this new music graces their ears. It may take some time, but it will be worth the wait.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I haven't heard any naysaying, Al. Who are these naysayers? I'll give 'em what-for! :lol:

Sorry to see Matt go, but when you've got a different vision, sometimes you just gotta persue it. Though it's a rare drummer who can make a crappy drum kit (like at a certain small festival) sound really awesome. I'm glad everyone is still on good terms, and I hope he can do what he wants to really do with his drums. Maybe he should consider giving lessons. :D
Al, you rocked the house once again! Mr. Anarchy Divine! No Exit era Alder!!!! It was good chatting with you all night again. Look forward to Metal Night at the Twinses place soon and you're moving here when? They picked the perfect metal bro for the job!
