any metal song ever made you cry ?


From Wisdom to Hate
Dec 14, 2001
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is there one song that made you just break down ? ......just recently i broke down to "a tout le monde" by megadeth ....jeez what a choice .....but it just hit me so directly cuz i was allready close to it without listening to the song ....but then i just let it all out .....jeez....i'n a sad, sad human...
It's totally happoened to me at least 3 times in my life...

The most powerful happened recently when I heard the new Devin Townsend album, 'Terria'...

On track 4, 'Deep Peace' at the end when Devin yells 'Suffer!'

...oh man what a feeling it was. I tore off all my old posters from my wall because I realized it was time for a change...
Originally posted by Raven777
It's totally happoened to me at least 3 times in my life...

The most powerful happened recently when I heard the new Devin Townsend album, 'Terria'...

On track 4, 'Deep Peace' at the end when Devin yells 'Suffer!'

...oh man what a feeling it was. I tore off all my old posters from my wall because I realized it was time for a change...

terria is a great cd to cry to...although i never cried to any metalsong. the lyrics and the weird vocals of Next in Line brought me near crying a time. i really felt bad and destroyed.
I'm feeling very emotional lately so everything even vaguely sad makes me want to cry. Things that actually DO make me cry are Anathema and Opeth. Not all songs by them, of course. But a bunch.
When I first heard Load I had to rip it out of my cd player and smash it into tiny bits. It was my friends cd, he was quite pissed.
When I first listened to "Load" I was kinda disappointed.. I listened to.. about 10 secs of each song.. and that was it.. a few months later I tried again.. now I think it's quite a nice album.. ok it's not a "Ride" but it still has some great songs.. Bleeding Me.. The Outlaw Torn.. blah blah
As far as a song making me cry........nooooooooo, especially NOT 'To Bid You farewell'. A real man such as myself wouldn't cry over something as simple as music. (Defending myself a little too vehemently aren't I:cry: )

Having strong emotions while listening to music on the other hand, definately.

Nearly every time I listen to 'Moolapse Vertigo' I get dizzy, physically. (no shit, I really love this song!)
closest would be katatonia.. i dont remember which songs in particular but i remember listening to a whole bunch of them and playing solitaire or something on the computer and almost crying.
the last line in "face of melinda" gets me every time.

and there are tons of songs where i've gotten tears in my eyes because the music was just so intense or beautiful -- not necessarily because i'm sad. usually accompanied by goosebumps. aagghhh, wonderful!
i dated a guy for 2 years - the one who got me into good metal (before, it was just metallica - doh)
anyways, we broke up, and it was really bad... we'd try to hang out and be friends, and we'd end up exploding at each other. we tried this a few times and it always ended the same way... so during one of the "let's try to be friends" moments, he made me a mix cd - for my new car stereo (so i'd have good music) and he put a note inside it, basically saying that it was all of the songs that were a part of him... not because of the lyrics, or the messages, just because they were really important in what he had become, i.e. the songs that got him into metal, and his favourite songs, all that junk

i didn't listen to the cd until after the last time we hung out (bad ending, of course) and i was a little teary- eyed when songs like Addicted to Chaos by MegaDeth came on, but there were 2 songs that did it for me - Heaven is a Place on Earth (cheesy eighty's song) and Don't You Forget About Me (another cheesy eighty's song - from Breakfast Club)... now, if they even just come on the radio i cry :(
not because of the relationship or anything, just because i lost my best friend....

damn, i'm such a chick :p