ARTISAN: 20 Questions


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
From the band's bio at
Melodic and technical thrashers ARTISAN forge their fury with a wealth of past experience. As fate would have it, the three core members of ARTISAN found themselves bandless simultaneously. Ex-bandmates Perry Grayson (guitars, ex-DESTINY'S END) and Mike Bear (bass, ex-PROTOTYPE) decided it was high time to work together once again in the aftermath of their stays in other successful metal bands. The Bear/Grayson writing team dates back to '95-96, when the two played together in a short-lived thrash project called Stormhaven. The third ARTISAN slot was offered to longtime friend and former RAPTURE guitarist/vocalist Ana Greco.

Who are you and what do you do in Artisan?
My name is Mike Bear. I am the bassist and vocalist for ARTISAN.

Where's the band from?
ARTISAN was put together in Los Angeles by way of Perry Grayson, Ana Greco, and myself. We acquired our drummer Matt Conley by connecting on line. He come all the way from Rockford, Illinois to audition and a few months later, he moved here.

Who're your major influences?
Well, you could genuinely say all types of metal. Actually all types of metal that we consider metal. No rap metal or that other heavy music that is called metal. For us influences are pretty varied. Swedish metal such as;' At The Gates and Hypocrisy, thrash such as; Forbidden and Testament, some more technical stuff such as Cynic. All the ARTISAN members have varied outside influences. Guitarist Perry Grayson is into a lot of doom and old heavy psyche metal. I do a bit of fusion and Ana Greco and Matt Conley have their share of other tastes too. HAVE NO DOUBT FOLKS: We are fucking metal !!!

What's your local scene like?
Well, it's like this... in Los Angeles playing a local club and being a metal band is a pretty big trick when it comes to productivity. The scene has always proven to ride along with the trends. If you can put some legit local metal bands together in packs and have an evening of heavy music, then there's hope. As for larger bands, it's getting better and better. Cannibal Corpse was playing the Whisky Every time they came through for the past few years which holds 300 and something to 400 and something. Recently they co-headlined with Dimmu and played a sold out show to the Palace which is more like 1,000 heads. I think that's a very successful thing. There is a large misconception about the metal scene in L.A. It isn't like 15 years ago. I think as time goes on, it's getting better and better. There's always that pay to play B.S. but I think that's something that goes on all over. I see more teenagers at the shows too. That's a large difference in spreading the gospel of good metal.

How can people hear your music?
Will it really hard to happen. Actually. We acquired our drummer Matt very recently. Recording is the next step. Check out our web site from time to time to see what's what about shows and sounds.

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
Well, that's a tough one. Shall I answer as if I was living in La La Land or the real world? Testament would be one. They are still heavier than all hell. I would say Hypocrisy for two. I say that cause I wish I could freaking see them. HELLO!!! if you are listening, come to the west coast. Band #3. I'll answer like any other sane metal head would. MAIDEN!!!

What's your best gig memory?
Oh boy. My last gig with my former band Prototype at the Whisky, supporting Death and Hammerfal was great. Packed house, good pits and got to see Death once more. All of us have been quite lucky having played some really great shows.

What's your worst?
Eating shit jumping on a stage right before going on. For all to see. That was quite special.

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?
Gonna pass on that question. There's more than 2 dynamics to ARTISAN'S music.

What are your plans for the future?
One focus at a time. At this point our focus is to demo some tunes to get out there. Send off to zines, labels, and have product to get people into our music. We have been flyering all the metal shows in L.A. and getting the name out. I'm sick of people asking for MP3's. I'm relived by the large interest though. So recording. Then we can start doing shows. Then the tactful harassing of labels. Yep... sounds about right.

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
There are some different metal dynamics going on in ARTISAN, but luckily with the listen of any one or two songs, you can get a very good idea of what the band is about. So flip a coin, pick one, and let us know what you think.

If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multimillion £ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?
That's easy. Chip. He's been a pain in my side of almost a year now. After Chip is gone, I wouldn't get rid of anyone else in the band. ARTISAN isn't ARTISAN unless it contains. Perry Grason, Ana Greco, Matt Conley, and I. If you are curious as to who Chip is, go to our web site.

What's your favourite album of all time, and why?
You can't just ask me to do that! Tell you what. Top 3. Iron Maiden "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", Rush "Hemispheres, and Forbidden "Twisted Into Form"

What was the main reason you became a musician?
Music was always around. I've been involved with music for a long time. Way before I even picked up my bass. I picked up bass because of Maiden.

How would you like to be remembered?
Mike Bear... that fuck!!! Well that's one view. Otherwise. I'd like to be remembered as someone who played metal regardless of financial rewards or not, someone who enjoyed playing music and never saw it as a job. Was apart of a group that submitted heavy fucking music that reached metalheads wherever they existed, and connected with them.

What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!
Well, most would say True Metal right? I think, LOUD. I saw them a few years back and they took up a portion of standing space of the Whisky's floor for extra speakers.

What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
A nice long set on the main stage at Wacken would be cool. Not saying just put us there and I'll be happy. I know if we could play there on that stage it would state that we were at a point that we connected that well with the metal community, that the demand and love was there for us to play.

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
BW & BK is pretty rad, I like Pit and Metal Maniacs though Metal Maniacs at times doesn't always feature bands that I would call metal. That's debatable though as most things in life are. They still rule. I'd like to say that most of the guitar magazines have gone to shit and are now pop magazines.

Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
ARTISAN plays metal that has lots of dynamic to it. The vocals are clean and heavy. Our styles range but the songs aren't schitzo. We play what we think sounds good. Hope you like it too. If you don't then ARTISAN isn't for you. We always like to hear your opinions though.

Any message for your fans and the UM masses? is our web address. Email us, say hello, sign our guestbook and well keep you updated on ARTISAN'S progress. Support all metal. Burn out and go to lots of shows. Don't be a dud. To me, live is what metal is about. Be active in the scene. Metal is a life style. You just can't listen to it and be a metalhead.