attn: minxmanda


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
what exactly is a fixed-gear bike and why is it better than a non-fixed gear bike?

i think we touched on this before...fixed gear means you can't shift it, right, and it only has one gear for the chain to wrap around?

why does that not suck?
i think it's 1 part trendiness and 2 parts fitness and 1 part being totally awesome. i personally really like these bikes but most are just too big for me because i'm so short. and yea, fixed gear means it only goes one speed.
here's a good website that talks about them:
oh man this is their best reason for it!

any enthusiastic cyclists ride such bicycles by choice, at least part of the time. Why would anybody do that? It is not easy to put into words. There is an almost mystical connection between a fixed-gear cyclist and bicycle, it feels like an extension of your body to a greater extent than does a freewheel-equipped machine.

yeah, i'll keep my gears, thanks. if i rode in an urban center all the time, i might go for it, but there's wayyyy too many hills and long coastables and such around here.
yea i don't think i'd ride a fixed bike in the berkshires, i'd probably stick to a few gears on a mountain bike or my bmx or something. but in the city, fixed gears and track bikes are pretty useful especially if you go long distances and need to get there fast!
some people think that w/o brakes it's an entirely different (not worse) way to ride a bike and it makes it easier to control it over time.
I mean can't they keep the brakes on and not use them if they don't want to? At least they'll have them in case they're headed off of a cliff or something.
very important: track bikes also do not feature freewheels - so if the bike is moving at all, the pedals are turning - this means you have to pedal the entire time, which probably explains why people feel it is an "extension of your body" - the bike only moves when you do. but this also means, i would guess, that you can have some form of braking by applying some reverse pressure to slow the pedals, and therefore the rear wheel
as interesting as that may be, the prevalence of track bikes in NYC is insane to me.

"Oh shit that cabbie just opened his door in front of me, well, I'll just subtly give some resistance against the pedals so that I can gradually bring the bike to a gentl(THUD)"