carcass fans...

Originally posted by Fyhed
er yea...

Maybe you would like a little clarification seeing as you were no help with the extremely simple question your fellow metalhead asked. Carcass are a fucking classic band. Carcass has had MANY fuckin' fans in the past and present and will continue to have fans in the future as long as their albums are being sold on shelves. Thus, where in the fuck are all of the Carcass fans on the forum dedicated to the very band itself, you FUCKING retard. So keep your 'Er, yeah' bullshit to yourself and get with the fuckin' picture here. Where the fuck are all the Carcass fans is a fuckin' good question..but they are out there..enjoying Heartwork and Symphony of Sickness somewhere...and that is all that matters. Peace.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
I got a little angry earlier..I cat pissed in the floor. And thus, I got pissy.

lol, i have 2 cats that shit and piss fucking everywhere....they dont come in the house anymore....little fuckers
Originally posted by leper iffinity
lol, i have 2 cats that shit and piss fucking everywhere....they dont come in the house anymore....little fuckers

Yet again with the things in common. LOL
Yeah I always preferred Carcass over Entombed. I like Entombed though, picked up their new one last week, hated it the first two listens, but now I'm quite impressed with it!
The second metal album I owned was Heartwork after hearing 'No Love Lost' on the radio . Necrotisism Is the favourite but took a while to get into .
Was'nt to impressed with Swansong , got into Death and carcass got put aside , still a top band though
I love Carcass! first time i heard Corporal Jigsore Quandry i knew i need to get their Cds. I bought 'Necrotism' and it was so awesome. one of the best death metal album ever made. after that, i bought every other Carcass album(except for 'Reek'). I'm a big fan of Swansong, too.

Hail the mighty Carcass \m/ ....
Well, I'm a fairly big Carcass fan. I have all the albums (except Swansong) on vinyl with Symphonies... as a gatefold. All original artwork. Heartwork is a signed copy. I also have the Symphonies... longsleeve shirt. I wouldn't normally go on about what I have but I understand Carcass stuff is getting rare these days. I didn't realise that until I read people talking about it on other messageboards.
As for Entombed, I think they are excellent but can't beat Carcass I'm afraid.