Children Of Bodom Energy Drink!!!

Oct 26, 2002
Have you ever been exhausted after a friendly football game? Don't have the energy left and certain sports drinks, such as Gatorade and Propel, aren't doing the job? there's a drink that will energize you to the CORE!!!

The New Children Of Bodom Energy Drink!!!

Drink some of this scientifically proven energy drink and feel the power at your feet!!!

If you don't believe me...listen to the many satisfied customers!

"I endorse it completely!!! The punch flavour will PUNCH you in the face!"

- Alexi Laiho

"It helped my band kick the $h*t out of Iron Maiden in a soccor match! B*tches!!!"

- Satyr from Satyricon

"I'm going to record our new album while drinking this stuff! I can't wait to drink the Bodom Blueberry flavour!"

- James Hetfield from Metallica

"It's yummy."

- Lemmy

"It's going to help my Ozzfest performance!!! Reaper Rasberry rules!!!"

- Jada Pinkett-Smith
Hehah, a couple of days ago I was actually thinking "Where did the Overlord dude go?" and here he is again :p

But, what amazes me is how you didn't think of this idea earlier? Energy drink should've been the first in the list haha :D

Well, if it was in the stores, I'd buy a case of it right away.
"We were mmh shing and thru a gitar ne hit a window.. he had marbles em mgh rollin in the pairs and apples. but then his lass came over and they shagged on the bloody carpet. hes a good bloke though. "

-Steve Harris
The Soulforged said:
"We were mmh shing and thru a gitar ne hit a window.. he had marbles em mgh rollin in the pairs and apples. but then his lass came over and they shagged on the bloody carpet. hes a good bloke though. "

-Steve Harris

Man, never ever ever add to OLPR's adverts...
Well this seems quite interesting, although I'll never be able to drink it. Unless thay bring some to Central America (not US) I could drink it. I wanna a taste of it!!!!
I think a Bodom energy drink would be so fucking awesome if it had the power of SoBe Adrenilane, becuase thats the only energy drink that works for me, but yeah a COB energy drink would be cool...
Ha, I wanna make a picture, but.. won't. Don't think I could ever outdo the Bodom Bedspread and wouldn't want to ruin the moment of this thread. :p