Daily events, thoughts.....etc


Nov 16, 2006
This forum needs to be more alive lol.

I was lurking through the Japanese ESP website and saw Gus' new guitsr models and was wondering why the USA models don't have the Firewind inlays.


Any interesting events, thoughts, encounters?
It's going to be an 18 month tour as per Ozzy's interview with a UK tabloid!!!!!
Yeah, that has me stumped too! I can't see how Firewind can possibly be out of action for 18 months, unless Ozzy asks Firewind to support him! Haha, a brilliant plan!! 18 months is a long time to tour too, unless Ozzy meant to say 8 months. Ozzy is not the youngest guy on the block either and 18 months would be gruelling. Perhaps Firewind will get a spot on the Ozzfest bill too as that is supposed to be coming back this year and as a touring festival.
Eeeeexactly! Latin originally came from Europe, so why call parts of Central and South America "Latin America"? We're all weird, that's why!
Daily thought: Today is a good day! :D
After having an absolutely heartbreaking start to the year and a very difficult month and a bit, today things are looking good, I've been spending a lot of time with my friends and my Godson, which has been really nice, just booked a holiday for april with said group of close friends and Godson. Also just mastered some pole tricks I've been trying to get for ages and the endorphins plus sense of achievement equal many smiles!!!

Random thought: Who decided to put yeast in treacle sponge???????????????
So this has been a good week. Finally got the results from my heart scan (from November) and I've got the all clear :D so I'm celebrating by jumping out a plane! haha (tandem skydive for charity). Spent a few hours looking after my gorgeous Godson this morning while his parents went for the scan of new baby, got a little choked up when I saw the scan picture, i don't know what's wrong with me, that family keep managing to make me all soppy :p
Also I went shopping for new clothes and discovered I now fit into size 10 jeans... life is good haha

random thought: I don't like almonds, but I have a potentially very tasty recipe that calls for crushed almonds, what could I substitute instead?
That's excellent news, you must be thrilled.

Almonds..........mmmmmmm?, you could try Pecan's, Brazil's or Macadamia nuts....
That's excellent news, you must be thrilled.

Almonds..........mmmmmmm?, you could try Pecan's, Brazil's or Macadamia nuts....

I'm rather happy yes, to be honest I'm just happy that my parents minds are now at rest, they've been the ones worrying sick since August, never really crossed my mind that it could be serious...

Nah, the point is I hate nuts of any kind, need to move away from the nuts...

Tandem skydive....are you TRYING to give yourself a heart-attack??? o_O

haha nope, something I've wanted to do for a while, can't really turn it down seeing as it's in support of the charity that looked after my grandad when he died... plus, yay!!!! I get to jump out a plane haha!!! (yes i'm slightly insane)