Damn Good Monday!


Dec 2, 2003
undefinedundefinedMonday night was great! Opeth played at Bogart’s in Cincinnati, OH. I travelled a long way to see this show and I will say that it was well worth the trip, mainly because Opeth played a couple of songs which they have never played in concert before. Moonspell opened the show--played on and on for about 45 min. This band was alright, but the lead singer takes himself way too seriously. In his Jim Morrison/lounge lizard voice he bolted out his lyrics as he stared into the crowd. Maybe it was just me, but I had a feeling he was trying his best to mesmerise the crowd with his low voice and freaky eyes. If this was his intent, I was not affected. Just amused. Anyway, as if this wasn’t insane enough, he then breaks out a giant, cheesy looking staff (right out of the clearance isle of the Halloween store). I guess that he was waiting for lightening bolts or something to come shooting out of the plastic-tipped point of this staff...I was just waiting for him to shut his face and to let the next suck-ass band called Devil Driver take the stage to play their set. So it came to pass... Devil Driver played, as some wasted kids (and I do mean children, like 14 or 15) started a mosh pit in front of me. Now, this mosh pit thing was getting a little out of hand and the lead singer of Devil Driver, in between his shitty songs, was encouraging these stout little beasts to "beat the shit out of one another" (maybe those weren’t his exact words, so I shouldn’t quote him on this, but he was generally saying this). His encouragement died real fuckin’ quick though, when toward the end of D.D.’s last song, someone threw a cup or water bottle up at him. The singer then flew off the handle and threatened to jump off the stage and come over to, yep, you guessed it, beat the shit out of the kid. This didn’t happen. D.D. exited the stage and some fifteen or twenty minutes later Opeth finally took their places. Some one yelled "Mikael, bear my children!" and something was buzzing upstage like a chainsaw. The stage lights were dimmed, casting shadows across the faces of Mikael and Peter as they kept their heads bowed and their hands ready to break into a frenzy of guitar playing. The audience waited and watched--30 seconds of waiting and watching. Then the lights and music began! (I am making this seem more interesting then the real thing, but bear with me here). After the first couple of songs out comes the tall stool and acoustic guitar--I’m thinking that Mikael will play Harvest, but he plays Windowpane instead. Flawless. This word comes to my mind as Window Pane comes to an end. Before the next song, some heathen-child screams out something that pisses Mikael off. Mikael speaks calmly "Don’t talk shit about us. If you talk shit about us, remember, we can talk shit about you in Swedish and you wouldn’t understand." I was probably the only one in the whole crowd who was thinking, jag förstår.

So...Opeth played a couple more songs and then ended the concert. Or so it seemed. Those hopeful fans who stuck around, myself included, started chanting OPETH, OPETH!!! The guys reappeared on stage to play one more. Demon Of the Fall was the song. I was ecstatic! Mikael only asked that everyone get into the song (headband like mother-fuckers as he did when he was younger, as he once did before he became such a famous rock star...how precious). It was awesome to see everyone getting into the last song.

Really. As they are always in the metal music world, Opeth was king on this night. Cash well spent out of my pockets to see this concert.
I was there and I was right next to the guy who threw the water bottle at Devil Drivers lead singer, they should just be called Dropped D because thats all they did was play 2 chords over and over in dropped D. Opeth was great The MOOr was awsome! the security guards there were assholes! I thought Moonspell was cool I liked the staff bit it added to the atmosphere Voodoo thing but of course Im a big King Diamond fan too so I love the stage prop deal.
the show was done at around 12:20, because that's when i came out of Bogarts and looked at my watch. If any of u were there, i was the Indian kid in the first row with the Deliverance tour shirt on. Awesome show.