Death Metal

I've also been digging around in the later Autopsy discography. I had basically jumped from Mental Funeral to Morbidity Triumphant. The new one really is special and possibly the best thing they've done since MF. There's a lot of good stuff in between though. I'm really digging Skull Grinder and Puncturing the Grotesque. The Headless Ritual has one of the best Autopsy songs ever.
I've been familiar with the first four Nile albums since back when they were coming out, but I hadn't spent much time with the later stuff. I'd have to say that I'm quite impressed and that I might actually favor some of the newer albums. After listening to At the Gate of Sethu on repeat, I was perplexed by how poorly regarded that album seems to be. It's an absolute killer. I see a lot of complaints about the production but it's great. Everything is clear and crisp. The songs are memorable. Album just rips.

Picked up some Brutal/Tech Death classics recently. I use to own the original Necrophagist. That album holds up really well today. Profanity is still around and I think they've gotten better. I recalled this Profanity album being hugely popular so I searched the archives here and it was just posts by the user Profanity.Haul8.jpg
it’s also kinda like a slowed down version of the riff in THIS IS HUH WAR lol
fuck! It was Root's Píseň Pro Satana all along! Never noticed how similar that bit in Dreaming in Red is though

Mystery solved. Cheers. Can't believe I couldn't think of that. I listen to that Root album all the time