
Disincarnate was great and Dreams Of The Carrion Kind is an ecellent Death Metal album that should be remembered allways.I am waitin for the new Disincarnate updates\m/
Is James still planing on putting out a second Disincarnate album?. Well I hope so cause I just love the Downtuned death metal stuff that was goin on on the first album.
Hi James, Whats with the reissue of "Dreams Of The Carrion Kind" that will be coming out on Displeased Records.
Shit, a new album would be amazing!!!
I got that on cassattee the day it was released, and we all loved that album!
Is this a rumor or truth? And who ever mentioned Ressurrection, they were indeed awesome too. They have new music on the way, check myspace!
Dreams of the carrion kind is classic and I do not see the point in following it up so many years later with a different line up,etc.. and it's not going to sound like the same band or a follow up. The only way in my eyes to do it right would have been to follow it up 2,4 years later.
Are you sure? :S I could've sworn it was D standard.
I don't care what it's tuned to either (unless it's Drop-whatever, ewww). In terms of playing the songs, it's easier (for me) if it's around E or D Standard.