Does this look legit? (Mesa cab content)


May 9, 2006
Well, after finding a Mesa cab for a not-so-cheap price, I was almost giving up the idea of having one and going for a smaller Orange 2x12 instead. But today i found a Mesa 4x12 for a great price (in Brazil anyway). The thing is, it is used and in another state and with a few dents (including no logo, which he says it was lost when he moved from NY to Rio de Janeiro). It is around $1500 (they usually go around $2500 in Brazil) and the guy says he is selling it so cheap because he's coming back to the US and needs the money for travelling - he's also selling other gear so that may be true. Can you guys check the pics below to see if the cab LOOKS legit and not a copy ?


Yup, looks like a Recto Standard (AKA greatest cab ever) to me, do eet! :headbang: Just be certain he didn't swap the speakers (not like I can imagine any reason anyone would, though at some point I would like to try a G12K100 for the hell of it) Also, one of the biggest telltale signs of Mesa cabs is the smooth tolex they use (Taurus they call it); I can tell from the jackplate pic that the back panel has it, so just be sure the rest of the cab has the same covering
Hey Marcus, thanks for the answer. There's one more pic i forgot to upload.

I am even thinking of travelling to Rio to sign the document to have my belgiam passport and pull the trigger on this thing. He says it is all original, with the V30s et everything.
I even thought of getting on off craiglist and get it shipped to Brazil, but as soon as I got a shipping quote from UPS and Fedex I forgot the idea. The shipping alone was around $1000 (for the cheapest option!!!) :Smug:

Trying to get the funds right now for this thing and thinking a way of getting it shipped to me.
Get a look under the cloth, make sure that when the logo got knocked off the cones didn't also get twatted.