

Jun 24, 2002
Have you consumed drugs???? :loco:

What kind of drugs have you consumed????

Do you like it?????

At the end, what a hell do you think about it?????:loco:
What kind of drugs are you talking about? Alcohol? Nicotine? Prozac? Asprin?

I find it so funny that just because a government outlaws a certain drug (because they can't tax it), all these fucking do-gooders adhere willingly and avoid it like the plague. But getting drunk and starting fights? Hey - no problem. :rolleyes:

If Nevada legalizes Cannabis, I can only hope the US gets out of this "politically correct" slump and starts to progress with the rest of the world.

The free people of the USA need to be able to smoke weed as and when they please, AND see naked women on TV without the "blurring". Damn it! :mad:
Not into drugs myself. Never needed to waste money on it. Weed should be legalised. I've never had a stoner want to punch me out, but a drunk who wants to are easy to find.

I hope Canada legalise it as well. 'sides Govn'ts can get huge revenue from making it legal.

Thousands of reason's why it should be legal for 18 yrs & up. More reasons than can be found for alcohol.
I hate synthetic drugs Heroin, XTC, Kokain and other shit...

It killed my beloved brother (R.I.P.), but that´s another story!!

I do smoke weed though, but that´s it... It sharpens my senses, and makes me focuse more on specific things...
I consumed pot like 4 times and I hated it everytime.but I kept doing it(the last 3 times) because people seemed to like it so much so I was thinking maybe I was wrong.
I don't like drugs,I don't mind people who use them everyday,as long as they are not pushy with me using them.
my other drug is metal and I do that everyday at least 3 hours
I smoke pot, but in first line i satisfy my brain with the good ol' german beer... you've got to be careful with pot, never carry it to excess, it makes you dumb than (that's fact)
but from time to time its a great fun (especially in combination with alcohol)
The old adage, everything's good in moderation, works just fine for me here.

I've tried cocaine, acid/LSD, mushrooms & ecstasy.

I smoke marijuana semi-regularly, and I've never shied away from a good drinking binge. But the second any item (drug or non-drug) becomes a crutch for dealing with life, buzzzzz, game over.

And for the particularly uptight: you don't like drugs or people who use them? Fine. But don't fucking preach to or judge me brother. You don't see me stereotyping YOU, do you?
judging people for their habits it's just wrong.I say live and let live,we are all aware of what we are doing so we accept what we are doing and take responsability over that
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
you've got to be careful with pot, never carry it to excess, it makes you dumb than (that's fact)

There is NO evidence showing that to be true.

There IS evidence however that alcohol destroys your liver (and self sontrol) and the tar in cigarrettes induces lung cancer. And yet there are those who drink liquor and smoke ciggies and still frown upon weed smokers! :lol:

I'm not saying one drug is better or worse than another - I just fucking hate it when people (sheep) think that alcohol etc is ok for you just because their government hasn't outlawed it.

In the UK, one million people take ecstasy every single weekend - (probably more in Holland and Germany) and I guarantee that there is more violence in the pubs with the drunks brawling than there is at a rave.

Originally posted by markgugs
The old adage, everything's good in moderation, works just fine for me here.

And that, my friend, is the secret of life.... :D
Originally posted by JayKeeley

There is NO evidence showing that to be true.
several studys proved that dope kills your brain when you carry it to excess...

but in moderation it's good for ur immune system and some ppl even say, that it's good against a few diseases, such as influenca and stomach-ache