Favorite Metal Videos


Jul 24, 2002
Alright it's been a bit on the slow side around here lately, with no news or anything exciting to report with us currently deep in the last stages of songwriting for the new cd and all. So I thought I would start a new thread everyone can easily participate in. We had a somewhat similar thread a long while back and it was pretty cool, so I'm revisiting it.

Out of mostly boredom this morning I've been going through YouTube watching music videos, and came across some that I've always loved. I was curious to know what some of your favorite Metal music videos are, doesn't matter how old or new. Post some videos (if possible) here and explain what makes them your favorites.

I know the other guys in the band aren't as big on music videos as me, but I've been really into them since the early 1980s. I was obsessed with watching MTV, Friday Night Videos, etc., and I have tons of tapes full of them. Here's some of the (specifically) Metal videos that I think are among my most favorite....


I was already a fan of Entombed when I first caught this video on late drunken evening at the end of "Headbangers Ball" back in 92, but the combination of the massive production sound of the song, and the really artsy, eerie visuals just blew me away. Also featuring a bizarre appearance of the girl from Army Of Lovers ('90s european art-pop band).

And incindentally, I'd rank this song in my top 10 favorite DM songs of all time.


This was something of a "sequel" to their "Rapture" video from the same cd. Again, this is a favorite song of mine, and I was already quite a fan of the tune before seeing the video. It's one of those rare instances where the great video actually enhanced my love for the song. The visuals suit the music perfectly.


This is a band I'd heard of for a while, and admittedly the band name seriously deterred me from checking them out. When this video came out I gave them a shot finally, and I was surprised to find that their music intrigued me. Not something I can listen to on a regular basis now (I would've been all about this back years ago when I was obsessed with really technical, bizarre stuff) but it's very well done, and actually kind of catchy in a strange way. The video is brilliant, again another case where the video winds up taking the song to a whole 'nother level, and is perfectly suited to it. I can see how this one won't appeal to everyone, but whoever put this video together is really talented, I think.


Great song, video perfectly suits the song and great representation of this era of the band. One of the best doom videos ever. Plus it's the infamous "Aaron in a Diaper" video, LOL.


Great fucking song, and I think the visuals and editing are fantastic. Interesting storyline. I'm told that the female model/actress they hired to do the video was a real bitch, though. Apparently she was disgusted to realise that she was going to be in a "heavy metal video", not realising what kind of music they played when she took the job, lol. At least this is the story I heard.

Side note-- Jeff Loomis is one of my favorite metal guitarists, and while he can shred his fucking ass off, I think the melodic leads he does in this song are some of my favorite playing he's done.


While I prefer the pre-1988 era of the band, I can't deny the hook of this song, and how perfect the video is. I love the editing and the visuals, I still think this is one of the classiest and best-made videos ever made for a heavy band. Those amazing shots of the pyramids at dusk, all the great shots of the egyptians on the boats and underground with the torches...even the band shots are better than average (the sand pouring out of Dave's china-cymbal every time he hits it is priceless lol)

So there's a few for now, maybe I'll post more later. Let's see yours now.
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It was all about the original Headbanger's Ball for me.
Here were some of my favorites from back in the day:

VOIVOD - Tribal Convictions

Aside from magazines, this was the first time I saw the band "in action" if you will. Very edgy video for the time. Saw them on this tour too!!

KING DIAMOND - Welcome Home

What else can be said. This was King's first big budget video and he effectively tells the story, as usual!


Awesome video for an awesome song. These guys were trailblazers of the American metal sound, along with Armored Saint, Sanctuary, etc, etc...

CORONER - Masked Jackal

My first exposure to these guys was from Headbanger's Ball. It surprised the hell out of us that MTV would play these guys, but for a while, this vid was played weekly.

OVERKILL - Hello From The Gutter

Always loved this video. I think it captures what a thrash show in the 80s was like.

EXODUS - Toxic Waltz

Same exact reason as the Overkill vid.

MOTORHEAD - Eat The Rich

This video is responsible for me becoming a fanboy.
I quickly purchased ROCK N ROLL (on cassette) after this vid came out. I believe Orgasmatron was my next purchase. Not the best song, but showcases their "not so serious" side.


This is the vid that broke the band out of underground obscurity. I was already familiar with Walls of Jericho, but when Kiske came around, it was like, "Whoa!!! This is the next Maiden" Has any song been covered by more power metal bands than this? Fun video to watch too...

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Toxic Waltz.....man do I fuckin' hate that song, LOL.

It was the corny shit like that which made me seriously gravitate more towards the European & Canadian Thrash bands (very good call on the Voivod and Coroner, btw!!)

I was going to put a Voivod video in my post but couldn't decide which one! Every video of theirs is pretty creative and good.

Good Metal Church video too, though my favorite is "Watch The Children Pray", the visuals in that video match the mood of the song perfectly.
Toxic Waltz.....man do I fuckin' hate that song, LOL.

Agreed. Just reminds me of when every US thrash band wore cartoon character t shirts, cut off shorts, and high top gym shoes!
(Hey, we ALL are guilty of this!!!)

I have one more I need to add:


I refer a lot of younger punk / hardcore / metal fans to this video a lot. It captures how more dangerous all-ages shows used to be. No matter where you stood, you were in the action! I saw AF around this time at a suburban bar in Glenview, IL called McGreevy's. The setting was just like in this video. Multiple pits, people diving off the stage, etc, etc....

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Of course I wore the silly high tops, but generally I was more into the Metallica look, or the Kreator-guy kind of look, than the Anthrax thing with the shorts and the cartoon shirts, etc. I've never been much of a fan of shorts, in any length, though I'll wear them occasionally.

Were you a fan of the early Danzig videos, Jason? Like "Am I Demon" and "Mother"? I was pretty fanatical in the mid to late 80s about Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, so I watched those videos constantly.
Were you a fan of the early Danzig videos, Jason? Like "Am I Demon" and "Mother"? I was pretty fanatical in the mid to late 80s about Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, so I watched those videos constantly.

Hell yea!!! I still have the LUCIFUGE home video on VHS!! (somewhere)

I think we had the whole Misfits discussion once.
I am a former Fiend Club member.
At one point I had EVERY original Misfits single, except the original Cough / Cool. Then eBay came along, and Jason had billz to pay! Ha!

The early Danzig videos were brilliant.
Glen really incorporated the "horror" from the Misfits with the "goth" of Samhain into those vids.

The live parts from the Twist of Cain video were actually filmed at the Metro, when Trouble opened for them. I wasn't there, as I had seen Danzig and Trouble open for Slayer a few months prior at the Aragon.

I can talk Misfits / Samhain / Danzig all day.
I never realised that those clips were from the Metro.

Yeah I knew you were a big Misfits fan, that's why I wondered about the Danzig vids.

Doesn't look like anyone else is too interested in this thread 'cept me and you, LOL.
Yeah, videos aren't as appreciated in the scene as they were back in the day.

MTV2 had a chance with Headbanger's Ball, but they weighed too heavy on metalcore and Ozzfest type bands. I know that's what's most popular in the states, but it would be nice if they mixed it up with the old school stuff too.
I don't have time to really delve into the metal stuff yet, but:

Van Halen - Right Now

By far the most uniqure music video I've ever seen, and I think it's pretty revolutionary in a time when popular music videos were big, pompous visual celebrations of a band. Van Halen went the opposite on this one and made a very cool statement about the world as it was in 1992.

Sammy Hagar - Cosmic Universal Fashion

Sammy's new follow-up to the Right Now video, with plenty of personal and current society humor thrown in.

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Well, that's not an easy one. Ther are a lot of crappy videos made...I think most of them. And most of the time videos don't contribute to the song, which I find important in a great video. :saint:

@Larry: Didn't see that video of MDB before. Looks nice, could have been a bit darker though. Maybe Aaron shoot have did a casting for The Passion Of The Christ? :loco:

Ok, just two for now. Path to Vanir and Essence by Enslaved. Shot on the both day and the theme is connected. Both quite cheap videos but really good. Especially Essence is beautifull and contributes a lot to the song...

Path to Vanir - Enslaved

Essence - Enslaved
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I am not a n00B to Enslaved or anything.
Over the course of the years, I had almost their entire catalog, but dropped off a little after BELOW THE LIGHTS.

I recall FROST being killer.

I really dig Below The Lights. Still have it in the collection.

I should have clarified a bit.
I need / want to pick up some of their more recent material.

I believe they are touring in 2009 with Moonsorrow.
My favourite Video is Operation Livecrime from Queensryche - in total.
In Belgium we had Headbangers Ball like more than 5 years ago, but always very late in the evening or even after midnight.
I never really liked seeing video's of one song, unless it were the Twisted Sister Video's in the mid 80's, like we're not gonna take it.