Feedback and comments


Anathema webmaster
Oct 12, 2001
Lappeenranta, Finland
As you might have noticed, the official Anathema site has long awaited new layout. It is quite different than the previous one or compared to the "traditional" layouts you see on bandpages. This also applies to the colors used on the page. I just felt it would be about a time to do something a bit different just like what the band did with "A Fine Day to Exit"... I have tried to create simple and minimalistic site that is easy and fast to access and use. I didn't want to create a complete guide to Anathema type of site anymore so some stuff will be dropped most likely like most of the photos, all TABs etc but these might be made available in some other way than thru the official page.

There are quite a few new small things that didn't exist on previous version of the page like chance to use IRC and visit channel #anathemausing your browser, a simple background music "jukebox" (I might put some rare stuff on this every now and then), this discussion forum etc and there is more to come believe me. I am also planning to create a brand new AFDtE screensaver whenever I just have more time and find proper tools for it.

Anyway some parts like bio and albums section are still under construction but I hope I can finish them within next few weeks or so.

I would also like to point out now, that even the official site might not always have tour dates etc first, everything comes directly from the band/closely related sources and is thus 100% reliable info. No bullshit rumours/crap can be found. You have to keep in mind that not all members have even computers/regular access to net (in fact only one member has) so updates might not come every week. I have run the site for years now and I do it for the love of music and the band - I am a similar fan than most of you guys are. I am not a professional web designer nor do I work for such company. I have never got paid for running the site and probably never will but I am not doing this for the money or fame.

Now I would like to hear your comments and feedback concerning the new site. All ideas are also welcome. The site represents the band in the net and serves you the fans, not me, so here is your chance to affect on it. Post your ideas and/or comments to this forum or me personally.

- Mega
I miss the tabs, man. That was the genius about the last page. That we didn't have to point a gun at some nerds head so that he would dig up some usable site. Please bring it back:cry:
I seriously doubt that I bring TABs back. The problem is that I don't know anything about playing an instrument. I don't know or understand TABs at all so it is hard for me to say whatever the TABs I had and got were any good. I even got TABs for same songs from various people and I had no idea which one to put online. I want to have only quality stuff at the page and with TABs it is impossible for me to tell which ones are good and which ones are bad.

However, I might give them to some fansite or upload them to the files section of the mailinglist.
At first I didn't plan to have lyrics at the page simply because they have all been printed at the booklets anyway. I don't think
that there is much need for lyrics without the music (=if you don't have the album) and if you have the album on mp3/CDR without the lyrics then you can simply piss off as you don't deserve the lyrics.

However, I am not sure yet whatever I will include the lyrics on the page or not. I might include AFDTE lyrics though as they are a bit hard to read at the booklet. The lyrics will be found at the albums section when I get it finished.
A bit hard to read? That's a bit of an understatement there...

And how! I must have been looking quite ridiculous while I was trying to decipher the mirrored lyrics of 'Looking Outside Inside'...let alone 'Panic'! Nice idea, guys, but... :err:
Either the lyrics will be published via homepage or...or...I'll look for a vinyl version with bigger letters. :)
Originally posted by mega
At first I didn't plan to have lyrics at the page simply because they have all been printed at the booklets anyway. I don't think
that there is much need for lyrics without the music (=if you don't have the album) and if you have the album on mp3/CDR without the lyrics then you can simply piss off as you don't deserve the lyrics.

However, I am not sure yet whatever I will include the lyrics on the page or not. I might include AFDTE lyrics though as they are a bit hard to read at the booklet. The lyrics will be found at the albums section when I get it finished.

I agree, people who have it on MP3 don't desrve the lyrics, and on cdr :mad: But, quite often I get the urge to spread the word of anathema, and email people lyrics. And being the lazy fucker I am, I can't b arsed to copy a whole load out of the lyrics booklet (as once I've started sending people lyrics I find it hard to stop :D ) So..... In conclusion thats why I think it would be cool to have lyrics
I agree, people who have it on MP3 don't desrve the lyrics, and on cdr But, quite often I get the urge to spread the word of anathema, and email people lyrics. And being the lazy fucker I am, I can't b arsed to copy a whole load out of the lyrics booklet (as once I've started sending people lyrics I find it hard to stop ) So..... In conclusion thats why I think it would be cool to have lyrics

I do understand your point of view and hell, I even use the lyrics for similar purposes as well. So yes, most likely I will include all the lyrics to the new site as well
I think overall this is a really good effort, I was amazed when I visited the site for the first time in a few days today. I like the simple structure and colours used, and it really does suit the bands' current work. Well done!
Cheers I'm more than willing to type some up for you if you want?

Thanks for the offer. Quite a few lyrics of AFDTE can already be found from various placed typed in by fans. I would like to get the (complete) lyrics directly from the band if possible but if not, then I will get them somewhere