First Decade In The Machines..

I ordered it thursday from ... just got it today. It's pretty bad, except for a few parts here and there... It's mostly really strange bands taking Ulver songs and ruining them, most don't sound anything like the original. !:yuk: The last song done by Merzbow is pretty cool though. That's just my opinion on first listen, though...
By the way, cool avatar firedwarf, WIND WAKER RULES! :]
I just got my copy Friday.

Overall, I'm a little disappointed. Too much of it is just TOO WIERD!
However, the version of "Plate IV" by Mikael Akerfeldt & Anders Nystrom is amazing, as is Massive Attack's version of song 2 from "Nattens"!!!

These two are amazing. The rest..... :Spin:
I have the same problem with Russel. I've been to the record stores almost every day for the last week and they say it's not released yet.... The level of frustration is dangerously high (maybe I'm addicted....)
Kveldssanger said:
I have the same problem with Russel. I've been to the record stores almost every day for the last week and they say it's not released yet.... The level of frustration is dangerously high (maybe I'm addicted....)

No !:eek: Not addicted, you just have good taste :Smug:

I'm trying all six of my local and not so local record stores again this saturday :dopey:
IcemanJ256 said:
I ordered it thursday from ... just got it today. It's pretty bad, except for a few parts here and there... It's mostly really strange bands taking Ulver songs and ruining them, most don't sound anything like the original. !:yuk: The last song done by Merzbow is pretty cool though. That's just my opinion on first listen, though...
By the way, cool avatar firedwarf, WIND WAKER RULES! :]
Yeah..that's exactly what I thought my first time through. Like "WTF is this?"

But that last Merzbow song IS pretty school, cuz you can..hear the original in it. :p

I dunno, I'll give it a few more listens.

And Wind Waker does indeed rule. :D *high five*
wtf? I just wrote a whole post and it erased it and said that. Anyways,
not only can you hear parts of the original in it but I kinda like Merzbow. I've heard some of their "songs"...strangest stuff ever. It's really loud experimental noise but for some reason is addicting and interesting.
For some really weird reason...earlier int he day I got 1st decade, I got curious and downloaded some Merzbow. I was like.. "..what the fuck?" I liked it, though. In a weird way.

Right after I got the Ulver CD I checked it and saw that Merzbow did a track so I listened to that first. :p
Merzbow rule... :D :D Anyway, back to the original, I've heard 4 of the tracks that are on the album before the release and I liked them a lot. Especially Der Alte was amazing in my opinion... As to the release I've read in a magazine that the label that has the distribution for Greece has scheduled the release for the 24th of April.... So a couple of weeks more of waiting...
Kveldssanger said:
Merzbow rule... :D :D Anyway, back to the original, I've heard 4 of the tracks that are on the album before the release and I liked them a lot. Especially Der Alte was amazing in my opinion... As to the release I've read in a magazine that the label that has the distribution for Greece has scheduled the release for the 24th of April.... So a couple of weeks more of waiting...
Can you recommend any good Merzbow? ^^
I finally got it today and from the first few times i listened to it I must say i like it. Ok, some of the tracks are pretty weird and demand time in order to get into them but, overall, l i believe it's a very good effort.

Btw, I just noticed it... What's Soundmaster talking about? What Akerfeldt and Massive Attack remixes? There are no such things in the album....