Folder management : an example of automation


Mar 5, 2016
Chronologically sorted folders, recorded files and DAW project files with a single click ?
Those interested might find this pretty handy.

It will create a dated folder with custom name and your DAW's default template.
(Year-Month-day and 24 hour time).
(If you don't use Reaper, just change the two .rpp extensions at the 'COPY' line)

Copy the code below to Notepad and save it to "Automation.bat" in a 'session folder'.
Make sure, when saving, you select "All file types" and not "Text file" otherwise it will save to .txt
In that same folder, copy a Reaper template and name it template.rpp

IF NOT "%1" == "max" start /MAX cmd /c %0 max & exit/b
@Echo OFF

SET digit1=%time:~0,1%
IF "%digit1%"==" " set digit1=0
SET timetext=%digit1%%time:~1,1%h%time:~3,2%

ECHO Enter custom name

SET /p var=
SET x=%~dp0
SET w=\%date% %timetext%
SET y=%date% %timetext%
SET z=%x%%y%
SET f=%z%%w%
SET m=%z% %var%%w% %var%
SET n=%z% %var%
SET o=%y% %var%

MKDIR "%n%"
CD %~dp0
COPY "template.rpp" "%m%.rpp"

START "" "%m%.rpp"


  • Auto_session.png
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Really, no reply on this ? Would a video be clearer ? You have a shortcut to the .bat files on the desktop, you click it and you're ready to record... and you won't make a mess even tho you give your folders meaningless names. Am I the only one who loves automation here lol... ?
Maybe I misunderstood what this does exactly, but I really don't see what's so useful about it. Windows explorer already has the option to sort folders and files chronologically or alphabetically, if manually putting a date on the project's name is that time consuming for you.
Here's what you do manually :

∙ Browse to the folder you want your new folder to be
∙ Create a folder
∙ Name the folder
∙ Open your DAW
∙ Save the project file :
∙ ∙ Browse to the project folder
∙ ∙ name the project file

I mean... sure do it if you want, it's not "that" consuming.

I the meantime I'll just double-click, type a name and press enter. :)

MY personnal version do a few other things :

∙ Copies and renames a Guitar Pro file with the date/time/name of the project
∙ Does the same for a .txt file, to take notes
∙ Does the same for a .Reason file (ReWiring two DAWs)
∙ Creates, execute and deletes a VBS file to click a MIDI warning button (more on that later)
∙ Creates a .bat in the folder for the project, to re-start the ReWired project

And finally:
∙ loads a list of differant templates
∙ asks for which template to load for Reaper, then Reason

Of course, I only posted a very simplified version here, so that you may try it first.

ReWiring ca be a pain in the ass, especially with Reason/Reaper... and the browsing in Reason isn't fun either.
Just launching a project can take a few minutes for me, so now I just click and go make myself a coffee !

I think I'll make a .zip for those who would like to try it but with everything already setup.
Here's what you do manually :

∙ Browse to the folder you want your new folder to be
∙ Create a folder
∙ Name the folder
∙ Open your DAW
∙ Save the project file :
∙ ∙ Browse to the project folder
∙ ∙ name the project file

I mean... sure do it if you want, it's not "that" consuming.

Nope, I just open my DAW (cubase), start a new project (or choose an existing template), and choose a name and location for the project folder.
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Ok. I guess it's a bit pointless if you don't ReWire, right... I simplified it but I originally made this to automate 5 minutes of tasks if I include loading times. Then all my songs, as big as the project is, have a "loader" to start them, otherwise the project would load and call an empty Reason session, which I could only load once the Reaper would be loaded, then have to browse because Reason is stupid and won't put you directly in the folder you last worked from lol.. then the "midi used" warning thing. But yeah, I don't know how many of you actually ReWire Reason.