
Sep 1, 2001
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anyone here into video games alot and plan to buy this system?? just wondering :loco:
i think the system is great. i played it at a local store and i like it alot. i cant wait for waverace and the remake of resident evil. Xbox looks shitty as hell i think. whats your opinion?
I'm a bit of video game fan too, but not as big as in the glory days of the Mega Drive/ Genesis and SNES though - oh, oh, starting to sound like a really big nerd :D
Seriously though, Gamecube should be awesome as long as the gameplay rocks. Most of the games these days are all just fancy graphics and sound. I'm thinking of getting a Game Cube when it's released in Australia (which will apparently be sometime around March of 2002 :mad: ). I just hope the price isn't ridiculous.
VIDEO GAMES!!! I could never stop talking about them!

Anyways... The Game Cube seems ok, I am not too sure how good it will be. I am not too aware of many interesting games coming out for it. EXCEPT the infamous new Metroid game which should rule all!!! I love the Metroid series!!! I was just playing Through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Alucard is god) and have felt in a big mood to play Super Metroid.... I am getting Nostalgic here. :D :loco: I am such a Video game nerd!!
As it happens... I work p/t in a video game shop, and we took our delivery of a Jap GameCube last week.

Have to say of the games we got (WaveRace-BlueStorm & Luigi Mansion), they are impressive - Luigi is really good fun and very funny!!! Unless you've seen the machine yourself - you cant appriciate how small the disks are! They are tiny, as are the memory cards. And the machine doesnt even make a sound - unlike the noisy swines that are PS2 and DC!!

Oh, and the games load quicker than it takes to pick up the damn pad!! Sony, pull your finger out, or your gonna get a seirious kicking!
I don't like consoles (such as PS2) or anything that doesn't have a keyboard and a mouse on it. Nothing seriously entertaining can be played without a mouse, except simulators. :)

Last weekend I played Time Checkers (I think?) on PS2.. what's the idea of playing first person shooters with a controller with two knobs on it? uhh.. ;)

Beware my l33t railing skillz. (Oh dear..)
Originally posted by Orchid
Nothing seriously entertaining can be played without a mouse, except simulators. :)
Last weekend I played Time Checkers (I think?) on PS2.. what's the idea of playing first person shooters with a controller with two knobs on it? uhh.. ;)

I've always hated the PS/PS2 controll pads anyway. What's the deal with the d-pads? Buttons for a directional pad, how shit is that? And the analogue sticks feel flimsy and innacurate too. I agree though with you point about FPS on consoles: they just don't work, or at least not as well as with a trust mouse/keyboard combo. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't ever played Half-Life, Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament on a PC.
Last weekend I played Time Checkers (I think?) on PS2.. what's the idea of playing first person shooters with a controller with two knobs on it?

The Game you were playing was Time Splitters. And i agree. first person shooters are way better on the PC then on consoles.

The Game Cube seems ok, I am not too sure how good it will be. I am not too aware of many interesting games coming out for it. EXCEPT the infamous new Metroid game which should rule all!!! I love the Metroid series!!! I was just playing Through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Alucard is god) and have felt in a big mood to play Super Metroid.... I am getting Nostalgic here. I am such a Video game nerd!!

I see you like video games alot by your picture under your name. What is that.... FF9?
Anyways Gamecube has a load of great games coming out for it like waverave and metroid and the remake of Resident Evil 1. If you havent seen it already, MY GOD! you should look at the videos and pictures on
Yeah, I was REALLY into videogames, that is until I got a computer. I play more computer games more than I should now. I play a lot of FPS', but I really prefer Ultima Online (UO>EQ+AC). ALthough it's tempting to save up for a gamecube, I know I won't get my money's worth, I think console games don't try as much as they did back in the old SNES and Gensis days (I sound like an old fart lol). It's like SNES and Genesis set most of the standards for videogames and everything else copied them for ten years. Sure there have been some innovative and fun N64/PSX games (Smash Brothers, Final Fantasy Tactics) but I think the newer generation of consoles is going downhill, and computer games are superior in depth and playability. Console games are better to just sit down and play for <30 minutes, but for $50 a game that's not my kind of thing.
Originally posted by Oyo
I think the newer generation of consoles is going downhill, and computer games are superior in depth and playability. Console games are better to just sit down and play for <30 minutes, but for $50 a game that's not my kind of thing.

Yeah, I agree. If you think that's bad, new release console games here in Australia are usually around the $90-$100 mark. I remember buying StarFox for Nintendo64 which cost me about $90 and I think I finished it on the first day. Not exactly value for money. But then again, there's a lot of crap on PC as well.
Yeah computer games can suck too, but I can name a lot more computer games that I played for months (years for half-life(w/mods) and UO) over the few console games that lasted longer than a month. My fav. console games are really great fourplayer games, like the original bomberman games for SNES and Genesis (I had the four control addons) Smashbros, and goldeneye. When you say $90 for Gamecube is that australian dollars?
To SentencedToBurn; yes I loooooooove video games!! I know I am a dork so what heh...:D Yes that is Zidane from Final Fantasy IX under my name, I love that picture. The fact that a new remake of Resident Evil is another reason to buy the system, Resident Evil is an amazing game! I will check out some more videos and such on Game Cube...

To Oyo, I believe taht one of the best systems ever is the SNES but I don't think that it set most of the standards for video games... I would have to say that The Nintendo was the setter of how people made video games, where would we be without the Nintendo? The SNES and The Genesis just made some cool advancements, but did not set the standards I don't think.
Originally posted by Oyo
When you say $90 for Gamecube is that australian dollars?

I said $90 for the actual game cartidge/ disc, and yeah, in Australian dollars. $1 US = 50¢ (Australian Pesos) ;)

How about this: PS2 was $700 when it was first released in Australia :OMG: (has since dropped to $500).