Gigreview/Pratteln, Z-7, 11th Nov. 01




Hello everybody

On Saturday the 10th Nov. 2001, I decided to drive down to Pratteln to see Saxon in concert.You must know that it takes me about 3 hours to get to the Z-7.But it was not disappointed.
Saxon played the gig of their life ("the other one's I haven't seen") and played many classics and new material as well.The audience reacted great and called them back for four times.

I have seen 34 concerts since 3rd of February 01. Including Judas Priest, Overkill an so on. You were the best! Your kind of heavy metal is not outdated at all. Continue this way.

If you like, visit my homepage:

Best wishes

Roger Buchmann - Switzerland

I reckon the Z7 gig was one of the best too !!!

More bands should take a leaf out of Saxons book when it comes to relating to the fans...... "go fuckin home its 11:30 on a Sunday night" said Biff taking the piss but the band played on and on and the crowd stayed on too....

11/11 was remberence day in England, also in Switzerlands Z7 with the old songs going down as well as the new ones.

My neck is still stiff and my ears are still ringing....

enuff sed gaü !