first snow of the season! :kickass:

tis not sticking or anything, but it's at least flying through the air. it was 70 degrees yesterday morning!

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My family and I are very strange, so instead of the traditional Thanksgiving meal with turkey and such, we got a shitload of Indian food. I'm talkin an all you can eat buffet/banquet. Fuckin' righteous.
first snow of the season! :kickass:

tis not sticking or anything, but it's at least flying through the air. it was 70 degrees yesterday morning!

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in pittsburgh, we were getting a pretty good snow (heavy fall but it wasn't accumulating) when the trees were still green.

here, it was about 70 degrees this afternoon and it's gonna be like 30 tomorrow.
I showed my Italian family here Thanksgiving last year and they loved it so much that we're doing it again tomorrow, due to the fact that of course it's non-existent here. It's not a bullshit holiday. Italy has bullshit holidays; shit like "the saint of the city", and the entire city is off for the day. Not complaining, but come on...

They have father's/mother's/valentine's day here too...it's not just for Americans.

And for all you who think T-giving is a shit holiday, that just proves that you've never experienced it. It's the best holiday of the year. This is coming from an American who left the US to live abroad as well, so think about that for a moment. It's not religious, there's no gifts involved or bullshit ceremonies...it's just a chance to eat a big, beautiful dinner with friends and family. Why is that bullshit?

The French getting 6 weeks a year paid vacation is bullshit. Italy's high taxes is bullshit. The EU bureaucracy coming out of Brussels is bullshit. Thanksgiving is not bullshit.
we have a weird tradition here in hlandif you as me, something just lie christmas but the for kids

Sinterklaas. he brings gifts with his black slaves and is a holy man...oh and he is from spain and comes here on a fuckng steam boat

i dont fucking understand this country sometimes

we have a weird tradition here in hlandif you as me, something just lie christmas but the for kids

Sinterklaas. he brings gifts with his black slaves and is a holy man...oh and he is from spain and comes here on a fuckng steam boat

i dont fucking understand this country sometimes


Yea, my grandparents always made me watch the coming of Sinterklaas when I was a kid.

I'm starting to think I understand why my grandparents are so racist.
we have a weird tradition here in hlandif you as me, something just lie christmas but the for kids

Sinterklaas. he brings gifts with his black slaves and is a holy man...oh and he is from spain and comes here on a fuckng steam boat

i dont fucking understand this country sometimes


Sinterklaas>>>>>>Santa Claus. That dude looks like the fucking Grand Dragon of the KKK :lol:

And he arrives on a steamboat? Are you sure this guy isn't from the American South?