Hate Crew Deathroll!!!


Thinking is overrated
Dec 28, 2002
Costa Rica
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Holy shit! I had heard this album was not so good, that Follow the Reaper and Hatebreader were better, bla bla bla... well, bullshit! I listened to Hate Crew Deathroll today for the first time and it kicks ass, damn these guys are so good, one of the best from 2003 no doubt.
I hate the album. I never liked CoB, but now their music has lost all freshness, and the song titles are horrible!
it's alright in my opinion. alexi rips off a bunch of riffs on that album, and yea those are some really cheesy song titles. Lil blood red riding hood? hahahahahah
it's ok....has some kickass moments but is otherwise nothing special or certainly original. Skyfire are one particular band that blow them out of the water.
SculptedCold said:
it's ok....has some kickass moments but is otherwise nothing special or certainly original. Skyfire are one particular band that blow them out of the water.
And Kalmah.
I like COB alot, I much prefer their first 3 albums more than HCDR. I don't think they're a very weak band, they have that cockrock attitude which I think is bloody stupid. The songs sound, cliche and cheesy at times but that's what makes them so good. Alexi also seems to have the ability to write really catchy melody lines. :)
I didn't expect anything, in fact I expected it to suck, so I was surprised at how fresh and powerful and good it sounds.

The name still makes me think of coffee.

Its not bad but their earlier stuff from Something Wild and Hatebreeder is definitely better. Follow The Reaper gets a bit more chirpy and Hate Crew Deathroll is just a bit too commercial and happy sounding really, not that im against happy music but you get what i mean
Yeah. Sixpounder and Triple Corpse Hammerblow( :tickled: ) can't hold a candle to Warheart or Lake Bodom.

But even those those songs are substandard.
Bodom was a band that I listenmed to every now and then, up until I saw them live last November. Now they are probably in my top 10, at least.

They are simply amazing live.
What are they anyway? I've heard people label them as power metal but it sounds more like melodic/gothenburg metal to me. Is it just me or most of these melo-death bands really gets on my nerves.