
Lioness, i don't like turkey very much (i know, i'm a heathen), so i don't usually eat too much of it. But my thanksgiving was good besides the tiny cousins running around.

And Pyrus, I envy you.... for all of those things, except the weekend part, thats true for me too.
Wolftribe said:
Hello, how are all of you?

WOW! I've never been asked that here. That's nice, you're a good kid! I'm fine as frogs hair, thanks for asking! Had a great day yesterday, went to the casino, embarrassed all my friends with my Timmy from Southpark impression, and made a few people look at me like I needed to be strapped down.

Now, may I really tell you? You asked! So, here it is. Feel free to ignore it, or use it, or whatever. It's a random thought/idea. I would post it under my regular name, but quite frankly, I'm too lazy to log in right now.

I was wondering if we could convince WarrelD to do a "Dear Warrel" column, much like dear Abby, but you know. With Warrel instead. So, this would be my dear Warrel Letter, some of it's bullshit, some of it's not.

"Dearest Warrel,

In 96.4% of all your interviews that you did to promote Enemies of Reality, you stated the following: "If you cook a woman a good meal, YOU WILL GET LAID!" So, this is sort of resolves alot of strange coincidences in my life.

If that were true, do you think that's why my best friend Mary humps my leg after I cook seafood Primavera? And is this why my other friend Kathy tries to throw me on the floor and take my pants off after I make enchaladas?

Do you think I should I stop volunteering to cook at homeless shelters? It's causing me many, many problems. And sometimes I go to Sturgis. And I cook there too. Now, that caused ALOT OF problems.

Warrel, can you help me with these issues? Do you have any advice?

Your devoted fan, Hemi."

Think it would fly? NO. I didn't think so either. But, thanks! I had to say that. Shit, we could get guest columnists too you know. Like Jeff, and we could ask Van stuff too. But they won't let him speak. Notice that? Another random thought. And if Jim were available, we could write him for advice too.

Okay, I'll fuck off now. :(
Bored and thinking about my day. Bah, work...
I'm feeling pretty relaxed right now though. It's great.
"Do you think I should I stop volunteering to cook at homeless shelters? It's causing me many, many problems. And sometimes I go to Sturgis. And I cook there too. Now, that caused ALOT OF problems."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i'm good except i ache from standing at a cash register all day, on the most hellacious shopping day of the year...it's good to be home. damn.:)




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...

Carnivorous Cheeses!!!
