Hi i'm new and heres a Song Mix, Opinions please.


New Metal Member
Nov 6, 2012
Oxford, England

Since the soundcloud players arent working, heres a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/su2i7fuyarnosq1/Self Styled.mp3

Hey guys,
I'm new here, though i've been looking around a lot before finally signing up and uploading a mix.
I've tried to take what i've gleaned from the various threads on here and apply it to this mix, so if anyone wouldn't mind leaving me some feedback or advice i'd greatly appreciate it.

[Currently i've only included clean vocals because the previous recordings of the screamed vocals that go with this track flat out sucked. So I didnt mix them in.]

Drums are tracked using Superior Drummer 2.0 with 4 samples from Erkans sample pack layered over the kick and snare (MS Kick 02, Andy Sneap kick 07, Andy Sneap snare 08 and Sense Snare Z3 Hard 8)

Guitars and vocals were not recorded by me so I have no idea about the gear used with them. However a lot of processing has gone into the guitars because the original recording was lacking a lot.

[SOUNDCLOUD]<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F66390932&show_artwork=true"></iframe> [/SOUNDCLOUD]

[Apologies for the quality, something seems to have happened to it during upload]
sound very thin and sound too programmed (because of the guitars and bass). The reverse snare is not making an impact. Vocal too much reverb and not stand out.
guitars and bass sound too fake, not sound like real guitars. Remix it. Have you ever mix in mono? try it