How do you combine different amps and cabs?


How do you normally combine the different passages of guitars with different Amps and cabs?
Do you use different cabs?

Is anyone of this your method? or other?

Method 1 (using the same cab, each guitar has its own amp)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp A Cab A
Guitar Right Amp B Cab A Amp B Cab A

Method 2 (each guitar has its own amp and cab)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp A Cab A
Guitar Right Amp B Cab B Amp B Cab B

Method 3 (using different cabs, each guitar has its own amp)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp A Cab B
Guitar Right Amp B Cab A Amp B Cab B

Or do you use any of these approaches but use 2 different amps for each guitar?

Method 4 (using the same cab, each passage is a different amp)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp B Cab A
Guitar Right Amp A Cab A Amp B Cab A

Method 5 (each guitar has its own cab, each passage is a different amp)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp B Cab A
Guitar Right Amp A Cab B Amp B Cab B

Method 6 (using different cabs, each passage is a different amp)
Guitar Left Amp A Cab A Amp B Cab B
Guitar Right Amp A Cab A Amp B Cab B

:dopey: :loco:

Thanks :headbang:
err, thats making my brain hurt!

There's no rules, sometimes I'll do the same 4 times, sometimes I'll use a different comb for 2nd 2 tracks, whatever it needs really.
Andy Sneap said:
err, thats making my brain hurt!

I was burnt out when I finished typing it. :dopey:

"There's no rules, sometimes I'll do the same 4 times"

But in that case you Eq them differently Left and Right?

Speaking of Eq, do you always Eq the tracks or most of the times you just put a HP and LP and it's done.
If yes what is your favorite plugin for that?

Thanks :worship:
like i said, theres no rules, I'll usually do the same to the left as to the right so it's a balanced mix, unless we're trying to do a two gtr thing, different tone for both players left and right.