How's the underground metal scene in your region of the UK?


Jul 1, 2002
London, England
I'm only really familiar with how things are going in Leeds/Bradford and London. What are the best metal venues in your part of the UK? What underground bands play there? Does the venue have a good sound system etc? Are people eager to have more metal gigs there?

It would be cool if the UK extreme metal scene was active all over the UK and bands turned up to play everywhere. Bands need to know more about what kind of turn out can be expected, venues, local bands etc.

I'd be really interested in peoples recommendations and experiences.

Just don't bother coming down to fucking Plymouth, mate. Last decent band here was BLAZE back in March. You can't call this a scene at all, honestly. Just a bunch of kids showing off to their skater mates and ripping off every mediocre nu-metal band imaginable. Some good bands do come down here, it might average out at once a month....but I've only been to two gigs in my hometown this year where I could honestly say I went for the music and loved it. It's a sorry state of affairs...

....s'why I've started a band to change all that. Nyeh-hee-heee!!! :heh:
London's great, probably the best in the UK, some bands don't ever come down here, some don't ever leave. its the capital, what more can i say, always a good gig on at least once or twice a month...AT LEAST. hmm, Descent are practicaly living in 'The Peel' in Kingston. hmm, best venues are probably The Peel and The Underworld, not to mention a million pubs, like the kings head (next door to totalrock) and then theres bigger bands at the mean fiddler.
Originally posted by Ayeka
Just don't bother coming down to fucking Plymouth, mate. Last decent band here was BLAZE back in March. You can't call this a scene at all, honestly. Just a bunch of kids showing off to their skater mates and ripping off every mediocre nu-metal band imaginable. Some good bands do come down here, it might average out at once a month....but I've only been to two gigs in my hometown this year where I could honestly say I went for the music and loved it. It's a sorry state of affairs...

....s'why I've started a band to change all that. Nyeh-hee-heee!!! :heh:

Aye but you've got Nile playing Plymouth in October!
Hull's metal scene is shite... Blaze actually played at a club (shed) called The Adelphi last year and the majority of people there were not even from Hull. Sadly with the exception of myself and a few friends the people of Hull would rather watch a shite tribute band effort than some original metal. There are a couple of noticeable bands hailing from this area though:

INFOBIA - Opened up for Bloodstock, sound like a mixture between Blaze and Old Queensryche. Deserve much better support!

UNIT 731 - A modern Slayer sounding Nu Thrash band (not my thing but good at what they do)

TORSO HORSE - Bizarre, Goth type thing! Again not my thing at all so it would be unfair for to make a none prejudice comment!

Basically if I want a good rock/metal night I go to Club Rios (Bradford) and to see the top touring Power Metal bands unfortunately it's a very expensive trip to London!

I do however belive that with the right promotions there is a slight potential for Hull, No! Sorry I've changed my mind lol, it will be interesting to see if anyone else from Hull reads this and voices their opinion.
Norwich is shit too. It is mostly ska and pop punk around here :rolleyes:.

There are a couple of good local bands, e.g. Subvert and Twisted Autumn Darkness and my friend's band Dysklaymer, but otherwise the scene here sucks.

Anathema played recently and Cradle of Filth are playing in December (excellent! :D), but otherwise good bands visiting are few and far between.
Ipswich/Suffolk is pretty crap too. We have some good local bands (mostly hardcore)- Viscera, As CLouds Gather, WWWK, Time Stood Still. Theres also a mixture of other styles with bands like Vessel, Korion, Bone Idol.

There are 101 bands that are so underground they never play gigs and much of the local crowd won't go to stuff they've never heard before anyway; which is a damn shame.

But things are on the up I believe.
what i was trying to get at was: if i could say let's play in city X because we know there's a good venue Y and we can get local band Z as the opening act (and the local population are not entirely into something-core) then gigs would happen in more places.

better known unsigned bands will always be concerned about the possibility of turning up on unfamiliar soil and playing to an empty house. i want do do something to remove that concern and get SD and other bands playing in more places around the UK.

i too, feel that the scene has been changing over the past few years and there are more people getting into metal in the UK. it would be cool if more of them were exposed to some of the unsigned talent that this country has to offer.

it can't be all bad - please tell me it's not ;)
hehe. i know exactly what you mean. SD aren't the only band with that sort of concern. DLN have the same sort of issues.

you drive 300 miles to a city you've never been to with all your gear. maybe someone will be there, maybe not.

not a fun gamble.

birmingham is supposed to be pretty good, and we've had some good responses there.

funnily enough, Stoke-on-trent has a pretty vibrant little crowd of metallers and is pretty well untapped on the underground circuit with a few exceptions.

my knowledge suffers seriously from a watford gap syndrome though. say between london and leeds/bradford :) ..well not quite that bad, but the east-midlands ....who the hells knows :confused: anyone?
hmmm i believe Epitaph are from near Stoke-On-Trent (unless my geography is really bad). hopefully get up there sometime next year then!

rlucas666: what sort of bands do you get at the venues you mentioned in Nottingham? and what are they like - i mean, size wise and in terms of the PA etc.?
Originally posted by Kozmos
hmmm i believe Epitaph are from near Stoke-On-Trent (unless my geography is really bad). hopefully get up there sometime next year then!

they're from crewe which is just down the road.

we were going to play at the limelight with them but not all band members could make it so we had to turn the offer down which was a bit of an arse! dunno much about the venue though??
Im concidering going to sheffield Uni, can anyone tell me if theres a good metal scene in sheffield or not? Thanks
Hi guys..
Its such a shame to hear that metal really isnt seen around most parts from the bigger of cities. Im from the Halifax and Huddersfield and metal is none existent here . Im current working to promote metal locally. I have currently made a facebook group and for local people it has now grown to 124 members (thts not bad for round here) .
there are no metal bars or clubs tho and its really upsetting so we just ask a venue to take it over for the night. last time we did it it was a great success.