I am disappointed from "Enemies of Reality"



Hi Guys!

This is the 1st time i come to this Forum!
Reason is: I am so disappoited from the last Nevermore Release.
What happend to Nevermore?

I am a Fan since those early "Sanctuary" Years.
And Nevermore have become my one and only favorite Band of all time.
When there was a new record out, i didnt listen first - i just bought
cuz Nevermore never disapointed me.
Those lyrics i used to think about weeks and month.
Those Guitar Riffs i used to (or tried to) play.
Or just those nice times i used to sit with my other buddies
and drinking beer while listening to Warrels lyrics, philosophize about
its meaning...

But this time it was a bad surprise for me.
Even after several times of listening i thought : "What happend to them?"

I am not a big friend of 7 String guitars but even the last record was
full of very powerfull but intelligent songs.

But this time...i dont know.
The title track and Nr.9 are Ok for me..thats Nevermore.
The rest is just fast loud and ...sounds like every other band.
But that was the special about Nevermore: They never sounded
like any other band.

I hope on their next record they come back to the roots.
But they will still be my favorite band.
Forgive my bad english (I am from germany).


it's very nice that you shared your opinion on this album with us. even if it is a disappointment for you. I wouldn't hold it against you, the fact that you don't like the direction Nevermore went to. DHIADW for instance was a fall of Nevermore in my eyes, but that was just me. unlike you, I find this album very good (of course we won't talk about the production, that's just way über-discussed here...). it is like a sort of a climb-up for one stair comparing to the previous. of course, musically nothing will beat PoE for me, I believe, and I don't like the kornish-sound in some moments, but I had to admit (to myself and to Mr.Dane) that this album has the best lyrics he had ever written. not some specific song, but lyrics as an entity, one small book of poems, with depth, head-body-tail, clear point expressed in the most sophisticated way.

then again, who decides.... these are just tastes, and they say that tastes are not to be discussed.

now I felt like sharing my opinion, though... god knows why. I normally don't do that. :D
Well, it is your opinion and you should feel free to express it. Personally, I love the cd, the sound quality initially turned me off but after a couple of listens I believe it to be ultra-kick-ass.

I must confess however that I did not like DHIADW as much as the others at first listen as well, but it grew on me A LOT and now I really can't decide. I think it's best to seperate Nevermore's previous works with their latest releases, and realize that they both have their own virtues and faults (minor though they may be). For instance, I believe that DHIADW is their most melodic release to date, and has great production, the guitar sound is just killer!

Well that's it except...

Korn sounds? Tee! *gasp* That's just insulting!
I was skeptical about the move from six to seven strings but Jeff is such a technically proficient guitarist that he made the jump quite well. Seven strings are only good if you know how to use them, and most bands who pick them up end up spending all their time on that damn seven string (see Korn...) but Jeff utilizes all of the strings and that seventh just adds a heavier dimension to his sound.
if Jeff used the 7 string like a 6 string, it would be a bit.. more pleasing to my ear, but he's getting to what i am describing. instead of


average chunky guitar riff, why not just do what he did with Create the Infinite and go fucking balistic? i do realize that CtI was recorded with a 6 string, but it was detuned to the 7 string tuning, B whatever.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
tis tied with DNB and Politics, in my book

IM trailing slightly behind, with the self titled behind that, and Dead Heart far back in the distance

While we're at it why dont we ...nevermind, crappy thought, maybe later...
I'm not anyone to judge what the best Nevermore album is, in fact I dont see why Nevermore's CDs should be so separated, as separate. I've always seen/heard Nevermore as one single entity in itself - In that way all the songs and albums are equally my favourite because I LOVE NEVERMORE. :cool:
I personally can not see why someone would dislike the new album, along with Anthrax and Damnation, it is the only release this year that did not dissapoint me, DHiaDW is the only abum I owned by them and I bought it when it came out, I decided to pick up the new one and it went far beyond not dissapointing me, I have since purchased all of their albums and count them as one of my favorite bands.

BTW, Jeff Loomis actually played a seven string the way I would have played it, which is to say as DSM put it, "Like a six string."
AjDeath said:
I personally can not see why someone would dislike the new album, along with Anthrax and Damnation, it is the only release this year that did not dissapoint me, DHiaDW is the only abum I owned by them and I bought it when it came out, I decided to pick up the new one and it went far beyond not dissapointing me, I have since purchased all of their albums and count them as one of my favorite bands.

BTW, Jeff Loomis actually played a seven string the way I would have played it, which is to say as DSM put it, "Like a six string."

It's just another string! You play it "like a guitar" everybody
FretsAflame said:
It's just another string! You play it "like a guitar" everybody
Friend, I have heard so many bands suck ass with a seven string it isn't funny, I don't know why, but some guitar players treat it differently, or do not know what to do with the extra string. Case in point, Meshuggah, they now use eight fucking strings, and their material has never sounded more bland.