Iced Earth - Dystopia


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
Nice to see Jon Schaffer and Stu Block are working their asses off to bring us a new era of Iced Earth. :worship: Hopefully this new album will sound nothing like their last 3 releases. :D

Hello Friends,
All is well here as we are pushing forward with master tracking the new album "Dystopia."

We have finished drums and rhythm guitars and are right on schedule. I'll be heading to Europe tomorrow for a few festival dates and then right back to work in the studio on Monday. Jim Morris and I are having a great time, as usual, and are very much looking forward to starting vocal tracks with "Stucifer" next week!

Stu has contributed a lot to the vocal parts on this record, with co-writing credits on 10 out of 12 songs, and I'm very happy with our chemistry and what we've accomplished together so far. And we're just getting started.

Here are a few titles for you to ponder...
  • Dystopia
  • Anthem
  • Days of Rage
  • Soylent Green
  • V
  • Boiling Point
  • Tragedy and Triumph
  • Anguish of Youth
  • Iron Will
Just a little update for you guys. It's a crazy-busy summer. But I'll try to update you as often as I can!
Take care,
Ehhh... I dunno. When they announced the title of the album I thought it was pretty generic sounding... I mean how many other metal bands have albums named Dystopia? Some of the song titles sound interesting, but like... c'mon... Soylent Green? Like the book/movie where people are unknowingly eating people? It seems to have a "Conspiracy" theme- kind of like Jon's other project... The new material might be good, and hopefully better than the last few albums (which I didn't think were awful... but I still didn't think they were anywhere near as good as their older material) but nothing seems to be making me want to buy this album. I'm more excited about the new Pyramaze album... whenever that's going to be announced.... ;)

I think maybe I've just outgrown Iced Earth...
I think with Stu giving input on melody, Jon may focus on aggression.
Hopefully the creativity can bring something either reminiscent to the old but fresh.

Aggression however can help compensate, and Jon can still come up with good riffs.

Really hoping this will rock.

That being said. This page is for Pyramaze....lets talk more about that:headbang:
Well there's plenty of other threads to talk about Pyra. Sad thing is, what else is there to say until we get more updates?

Ok so uh to make this relate to Pyramaze, Matt shouldn't have left them. And at the time - Jon should have minded his own fucking business and stuck with Tim. :yuk:
Lance should have never left! Honestly, looking back LOTBC with Lance is a perfect fit! His vocals are sooooo much better and enjoyable than Matts with Immortal imo. That said, the thought of Urban has me more excited than ever!

For immediate Release


GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN (USA) – Although Dystopia, Iced Earth’s 10th studio offering, is not a concept album, founder Jon Schaffer admits there are unifying themes to several of the songs – and even an appearance by band mascot “Set Abominae.”

“I’ve always been fascinated by the darker side of life,” Schaffer said during a break from master tracking Iced Earth’s forthcoming album. “Movies like Metropolis, Brazil, and The Matrix resonate with me. The same for albums like 2112, The Wall, and of course Operation:Mindcrime. Their images of a soulless, repressive society stuck with me over the years. It must be the sci-fi fan in me.”

In much the same way Horror Show (Iced Earth’s tribute to classic characters from literature and movies) was born, Schaffer said his interest in dystopian themes in music and movies led him to try his hand at that genre as well – even paying homage on the new album to the movies Dark City, V For Vendetta, and Soylent Green. The end result is Iced Earth meets the nightmarish offspring of Brave New World and Blade Runner.

Of special interest to long-time fans are two songs on Dystopia (the title track and “Tragedy and Triumph”) that feature the return of the “Something Wicked” storyline and “Set Abominae” – who, when last seen in The Crucible of Man [2008], had taken his position as ruler of the world.

“The opening song is a step back timeline-wise from the ‘Come What May’
track,” said Schaffer. “‘Come What May’ [the last track on Crucible] sets the scenario that it’s up to us and the decisions we make that will determine the future of the human race. These two songs [on Dystopia] take place at a time when people are in highly controlled prison-like city states, and their eventual emancipation in the closer, ‘Tragedy and Triumph’.”

In an uncanny case of art imitating life, Schaffer said Set Abominae fit perfectly with the general theme of Dystopia.

“I remember it hit me like a ton of bricks in ’97, the whole Something Wicked story did,” Schaffer said. “I thought, ‘Man, this is going to be so cool.’ Many years later, we were on tour for Crucible and we were doing an interview over in Eastern Europe. A buddy of mine said, ‘You know, Jon, this whole Something Wicked thing could be true.’ I thought about it a moment and said, ‘Well, I don’t know about that. But there are some creepy parallels in contemporary life.’”

“So as I was thinking about all of the great movies, albums, and books with dystopian themes, I remembered that conversation and it occurred to me that the Something Wicked story could continue in a few tracks here very nicely,” Schaffer said.

Schaffer admits the recording of Dystopia has been especially challenging because of the band’s summer festival gigs requiring him to criss-cross the ocean numerous times.

Despite the challenges, Schaffer says working with new vocalist Stu Block is “a pleasure.”

“You just can’t ask for a better attitude,” said Schaffer. “Stu is so excited to be here. He brings a youthful exuberance to the band, which is a lot of fun. And he’s a real dude. He’s down to earth, and willing to try anything that Jim [Morris, co-producer, engineer] or I throw at him. He’s stepping into the shoes in a very natural way.”

Schaffer continues: “We’re opening up a part of his voice and a style of singing that he didn’t even really know he had. We’re exploring this whole new range. And we’re just getting started. I believe Stu will continue to
grow – and has the potential to grow – into one of the greats, one of the guys that will go down in metal history. If he stays on this course, with the attitude that he has, his willingness to learn, and his passion, he’s destined for really great things. I firmly believe that.”

Song Titles on Dystopia:

Days of Rage
Soylent Green
Boiling Point
Anguish of Youth
Iron Will
Dark City
End of Innocence
Tragedy and Triumph

Dystopia is scheduled for release in Europe on October 17th, and in the U.S. on October 18th both via Century Media. Two bonus tracks are also being recording for inclusion on special editions of the album.

The release of Dystopia will be followed by the most extensive world tour Iced Earth has ever undertaken.

The European leg of the 2011-2012 World Dystopia Tour has been posted on the band’s official web site, and all official social-media sites. The tour begins October 30th in Bochum, Germany.

Schaffer formed Iced Earth in Tampa, Florida, in 1984. Since then, he has released 9 studio albums, one live album, two compilations, three boxed sets, and several DVDs -- the most recent of which is Festivals of the Wicked. With worldwide sales in the millions, Iced Earth has earned a seat in the pantheon of America’s most successful heavy-metal bands.
Damn it looks like things are going tits! Great news to hear, especially the part about Stu expanding his vocals even further.
I'm not sure why, but somehow I almost get a little excited by reading that news... Still I'm not convinced that the new album will be significantly better than their last ones, but maybe I'm in for a surprise.

Don't get me wrong, though I love their old albums (from Iced Earth to Horror Show) I don't want them to re-do, let's say, Stormrider. No matter how they will sound like 2011, they just should write some great metal songs.

Well, time will tell...
Yeah, I downloaded that song to see if I like Stu Block's voice with Iced Earth. Well, apart from the fact that I don't like the drum sound in this re-recording, it's quite interesting to see Stu's vocal range...

As expected, I like the song with Matt's vocals much more, he just has put so much more emotion to the song. But apart from that, I think that Stu and Iced Earth might be a really interesting match - with new songs where I don't have Matt's lines stuck in my mind.

To me, his style of singing fits Iced Earth much more than the one of Ripper Owens ever did. So I'll definitely check out the new album with some expectations - and I hope that Jon Schaffer comes up with some interesting riffs as well. :)
To me, his style of singing fits Iced Earth much more than the one of Ripper Owens ever did. So I'll definitely check out the new album with some expectations - and I hope that Jon Schaffer comes up with some interesting riffs as well. :)

I couldn't agree more with Stu matching much better with the vocals than Ripper. To me this completely erases the blow from hearing about Matt leaving Iced Earth forever. Maybe I'm biased though since he's Canadian. :D

Hopefully the new album will erase everyone's memories of Matt and allow Stu some breathing room. <-- Not to sound harsh... I really have to stop reading complaints about "wah wah Matt left, everyone sucks except him! R.I.P. Iced Earth!!" :yuk::zombie:

Jon's pumped as fuck thanks to Stu's "youthful" (at age 33?) influence and energy he brings and he's contributed a lot to the new songs. Supposedly Jon says this one will be (ready for the infamous line??) "BACK TO OUR ROOTS!"

At this point who knows what to think? But I can't help but steer towards the positive. :headbang:
The deluxe version of the album looks incredible!

unledrtj.jpg is listing it as retailing initially for $45.05 USD (plus shipping) prior to using your Metal Army discount code which knocks off 10%.

After the pre-order period ends it will be sold for $53.00 + shipping and applicable taxes with 10% still savable by using a valid metal army code during checkout.

The Limited Edition Deluxe Box Set features:

2 disc slipcase edition of Dystopia (disc 1 = album, disc 2 = bonus material)
Iced Earth Dystopia belt buckle
Iced Earth Dystopia engraved Zippo lighter
High quality embroidered Dystopia patch
Three (3) button set
Iced Earth wristband
Dystopia coaster

Other confirmed versions include:

Standard jewel
Digi-Pak + t-shirt

Yussir I just pre-ordered that a few hours ago. :)

That's a great photo by the way, here's another:

Although I like the first one better. :D

I like Troy's "Uhh... that 'A' better not fucking fall on me" expression too.
Haha, I don't know what exactly just hit my stupid mind, but I aslo pre-ordered this deluxe edition a few minutes ago... it's been quite some time since the release of a new Iced Earth album got me excited. Well, must have been Horror Show...

However, up to a few minutes ago I thought I would listen to the album first and then decide to buy or not to buy it. Guess it's that Iced Earth once was my favorite band and this package really looks awesome. And the price in Europe, at, is cheaper than I expected it to be. :)

So, I hope the album will be at least half as good as the whole package seems to be... old is J. Schaffer? Though I've never been a big fan of IE...I will certainly check out the new cd for sure.
He's 43. In the interview for the Glorious Burden DVD he semi-jokes that he earned all those gray hairs. :D
Wow. In the first pic (above) he looks the (better) second pic looks about 47. Cool looking dude none the