In Flames Aus tour details

Machine Head are coming out, so it looks like I won't be going to see In Flames anyway. I guess IF are pretty popular now, a sell-out is a possibility (cue line from KoichCPA).
Winmar said:
Machine Head are coming out, so it looks like I won't be going to see In Flames anyway. I guess IF are pretty popular now, a sell-out is a possibility (cue line from KoichCPA).

If you are implying that I would make a joke about Machine Head or In Flames selling out, then you are wrong. That is completely out of charachter for me. :dopey:
Will you fags stop it and consider the issue at hand? You little bitches. Has In Flames really sold out (haha.. yes I know. I meant the gig!)? Cause right now I'm a Scott at the gig...

'Scott no friends.
requiem said:
Will you fags stop it and consider the issue at hand? You little bitches. Has In Flames really sold out (haha.. yes I know. I meant the gig!)? Cause right now I'm a Scott at the gig...

'Scott no friends.
Call your local fucking ticket sellers and ask them yourself!
Ain't that fuckign hard, is it? Or do you have to ride the Special Bus to school?
requiem said:
I just called Ticketek and they say the Melbourne over 18 show is sold out. A full month before the date.

Does this sound right to you people? They tell me I've just purchased the very last ticket which seems pretty unlikely to me...
According to the Ticketek website, the show on September 18 is marked "Allocation exhausted", which means there's no more tickets available. So yeah, it's sold out.
But......Ticketek's allocation of Steve Vai tickets was also exhausted, so I just walked up the road to Gaslight records and bought one there. :) Check out who else is selling them, requiem.
That's right! It's always worth keeping in mind when Ticketek or Ticketmaster have sold all theirs that other outlets might still have a few left, but there are unlikely to be many....