IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

instrumentally ASOP is still pretty bland. The melodies and rhythms are both pretty bland sounding.
I mean honestly, imperial march guitar riff for disconnected? Really?
Bland like stye or bland like soapf? Just for a reference.
lol you're going to have to elaborate why those 2 are bland instead of trying to make some type of off handed comparison.

All the riffs on ASOP sounded like leftovers of leftovers of someone trying to sound like In Flames. Very generic and uninspired sounding.

STYE I can understand why someone would say it's bland because it's more stripped down and rhythmic, but the layering and build up of SOAPF doesn't warrant to be called "bland" in any regards besides maybe a few parts.
In both albums there are some highlights, but there are a few. I would risk to say that what makes stye and soapf good albums is Anders work. The guitars riffs are, with a few exceptions, simple, boring or repetitive. Specially in soapf, where the melodies are not specially brilliant. They're ok, they do their job but they do not stand on their own. I mean, without the vocals. With a few exceptions, of course. I just think of the acoustic and solo part of a new dawn. The same melody being played once and once again. Where the death ships dwell, dear is the weakness, darker times, deliver us... In many of the songs the guitars are there, but they're not something that will shake your head, if you know what I mean. The instrumental version of deliver us is terribly boring.

In stye, songs like friend, like you better death or dead and alone were the first time that I was disappointed with the riffs.

I can see why you say that the melodies from asop are bland. I also felt the same. But, when compared to those albums, they are not worse, to my opinion.
You could say all riffs post R2R are bland, that was the last album where I felt they really made a significant effort with guitar melodies. In context of the albums surrounding it, ASOP is far ahead of STYE, SC or Battles. I admit that isn't a high bar but it is what it is. I listened to Sleepless Again the other day and thought the melodies and atmosphere on the song were pretty good. A shame about the vocals and lyrics (plus production sounds like ass) but I appreciated some of it.
I don't agree. I think that cc has some of the best riffs they've ever done. I also think that it is the album with a higher energy.

I agree about sleepless again.
CC has some good riffs, sure, but there's nothing beneath the surface of that album. Spin it once and you'll hear everything there is to offer. That's the difference between the older IF and newer IF for me - older IF I can still catch stuff after a thousand play throughs that I never heard before. That doesn't happen with any of the newer stuff. It doesn't make them bad albums or songs, it's just a different way of producing music.
I also don't agree with this. I found "things beneath the surface" though they might be difficult to find since the sound is not as clean as it should be. Though I do not care. I love the riffs from that album. I also think it's Daniel's finest job, which adds value to the music.
Come Clarity had some of the best guitar work in their career. It was definitely a much more focused album than the surrounding albums
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The surrounding albums were STYE and ASOP so I'd fucking hope so.
Not looking forward to it. I've learned from the last 3 records whom all have been huge disappointments, one worse than the other.
I looooved what they were, and I despise what they have become. Still, they can do whatever the fuck they want, but I got done with 'em after Battles. Maybe, if I hear DE4Life or eochaid or the other old-school idiots speak VERY well of it, then I will listen. But for now, I'm not at all looking forward to it because I absolutely expect total disappointment.
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I expect something similar to the new ep.

I really hope not. Although I know that I will probably be dissappointed, I still find myself eager for the new album. Maybe there will be 2 or 3 actually good songs and some other passable
As far as the latest EP is concerned, I 'd like to pretend that it have never excisted and go on with my life
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Why the fuck would In Flames new album sound like covers of songs they didn't create? Makes no sense.
It'll most likely sound like something in the vein of Battles but probably with the envelope even further pushed.